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Early September, 1999 @ appx. Midnight in Jackson County

This report comes to us by way of Mr. Jack Eblin of Jackson County, Ohio. He reports that his wife Rhonda had an encounter in early September of 1999. Here now is the information...

DATE--- Early September, 1999
TIME--- Appx. 12 midnight
LOCATION--- About 10 feet in front of witnesses house
TERRAIN--- Heavily Forested
WEATHER--- Clear
HOW CLOSE--- About 10 feet
HEIGHT--- Appx. 6½ feet
DESCRIPTION--- My wife was letting our dog out when a very large shadow was cast on the porch. This was around midnight. She says the shadow was moving left to right. The next night I tried to duplicate the shadow by walking in front of our porch. I'm 6'-6" and she says the shadow was as tall as me. Since that time our dog does not like to go out at night. We live in a very remote wooded area of Jackson county.

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