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LAST UPDATE... June 12, 2000 @ 9:51 p.m.

This photograph was taken at the beginning of the trail which leads to Hosacks Cave at Salt Fork State Park on June 7, 1999. Larry Lund on the left from Vancouver, Washington was the guest speaker at the June Tri-State Bigfoot Study Group meeting. Don Keating is on the right. The Hosacks Cave area has a long history of Bigfoot related incidents.

Greetings!! On this page, I'm going to try and post as often as possible. This will be information from not only myself, but other members of the EOBIC. Do you have to be a member of the EOBIC to have something posted on this page? No! So if you have something that may be of interest to anyone interested in the subject of Bigfoot, please send in your 'notes' to and I'll take them into consideration for inclusion here.

MAY 7, 2000

At 1:29 p.m. this afternoon, I received a telephone call from a resident of Coshocton county, advising me of a couple of foot prints discovered on the family property. At 2:05 p.m. Richard Myers and me departed and headed to the location. Following is the story of what took place last night and today.

Last night (May 6) the two family dogs went crazy for appx. 10 minutes. They ran into the woods as if they were chasing something or someone. After the appx. 10 minutes, they returned to the house. The following day (today May 7) the husband went outside to continue construction on a fence to keep his horses in. He approached one area and discovered that two of the three wires of the fence were down near the ground wedged underneath a fallen tree. (The tree had the top cut off and it appeared as if something/someone had wedged the wires under the end of the fallen tree where it had been cut.) Very near to the fallen tree was a footprint. It was heading down hill towards the valley below. Upon discovering this print, the husband went inside to get his family and show them the possible reason the family dogs were acting the way they were the previous night. The husband, wife and two daughters were now looking around for additional tracks or trace evidence. The wife did discover another print. This one was located in a sandbar of a small creek running through the valley about 50 feet down hill from the first track.

The print near the fence was a left print and the one in the sandbar was a right one. Both measured 15 inches long, 7 1/2 to 7 3/4" wide at the ball and 4 inches at the heal. Myers and I spent 75 to 90 minutes at the location. The family assures me they will contact me if anything else out of the ordinary is noticed. This incident took place in northwest Coshocton county. Video, still print photos and slides were taken of the area and the prints. The question arises, could the maker of these prints be the same individual that made the impressions in the ant hills two weeks prior? The ant hill location is about seven miles and almost due south of the print location of today.

This is the track that was discovered in the sand bar on the family property. It was nearly good enough for a plaster cast. I am quite impressed with the quality of the tracks as well as the entire case.

APRIL 30, 2000

Went out this afternoon to check in the ant mound area for possible new tracks, etc. Not to my surprise, I found nothing new. However, I did learn how long it takes a colony of ants to rebuild a hole 15" long, 8" at the front, 4 3/4" at the back and one inch deep. Those little guys/gals had that print 95% built back up to the contour of the outside of the mound, as well as the heel imprints and the 3/4 of a track on the back side. Amazing!!

APRIL 24, 2000

Monday April 24'th after work I decided to do something I rarely do on a work day. I decided to head to parts of western Coshocton county in search of some good landscape photos to place on my Ohio Sasquatch Territory site. I departed home at about 5:30 p.m. after having something to eat. I went to several sections of western Coshocton county. As I was driving down an old country road which had absolutely no traffic on it I came upon several large ant hills on the right side of the road. As I passed these at about 10 miles per hour I looked at them and on the thrid hill I came upon I saw a large impression on the side of it. I stopped the car, backed up and parked on the side of the road. I first noticed an old piece of wood about three inches in diameter laying on the top of the first ant hill. It appeared that something (someone) had used this old piece of wood which was about two feet long to dig into the ant hill. I looked overhead to see if the piece of wood had fallen off of any of the trees in the area. It appeared not. I then walked down to the third ant hill to look at the impression. This impression had striking similarities to a large human like print. It measured out to be 15" long, eight (8) inches at the ball and four-and-a-half (4½) inches at the heel. I also discovered a three quarters the length print as well as three heel imprints. All on the same huge ant hill and all heel imprints measured the same.

Could all of this had been made/done by a Bigfoot? Were these impressions/prints Bigfoot calling cards? If it was a primate of some sort digging in the ant hills was it looking for food? Many questions with no real answers at this time. I am NOT saying any of this is indicitive of Bigfoot activity. I am, however, saying it appears sorta strange to have been done the way it was. A camtrakker will be placed in the area on Friday April 28'th for additional surveillance.

APRIL 15, 2000

Myself and Richard K. of Byesville, Ohio joined forces to scour the woodlands of the Woodbury Wildlife area this afternoon. We arrived together at about 3:30 p.m. We chose a trail to walk and noted how nice a day it was with the slight breeze and nice warm weather (83° at the time). I decided to show Richard some of the landmarks in the vicinity since this was the first time he had been there. We checked out what is known as "Locust Lake". As I was taking pictures and Richard was looking out across the lake, a single smack of wood on wood came from our right. We decided to head back into the area but discovered nothing out of the ordinary and heard nothing additional. We made a trek into Coshocton to grab a bite to eat. There we met up with Richard Myers. We then headed back to the woods after a good meal.

I decided to go to the same area I was in earlier in the day. It was 8 o'clock p.m. I decided to grab a sick and hit a fence post with it. I did this occasionally for just a moment and quit. Suddenly at 8:02 p.m. a very solid hit of W/W came out of the forest lower in elevation no more than 200 yards to our south. I then decided to continue to hit occasionally. At 8:09 p.m. two hits of wood, about 5 seconds apart, came out of the forest to our northwest. We continued to attempt to get additional responses, but to no avail. What, or who, was responsible for these sounds of W/W is unknown. I know that BOTH Richard's heard the three hits between 8:02 and 8:09 p.m. Weather permitting, I'll likely head out to the area tomorrow and nose around.

MARCH 4, 2000

The following was submited by EOBIC associate Marc A DeWerth of Columbia Station, Ohio.

"Here are the results of Saturday's hike on March 4'th with Eric Altman, Jeff DeWerth and I. We were hiking just off of CR 410 in the area of my 4/20/1997 alleged encounter.

Saturday was a very interesting day. We arrived at my film site location around 1 p.m. We all got out of the car and started getting the equipment ready. Within a minute or so, from the same general area/ridge line I encountered the alleged creature, some strange clacking noise began from at least two different locations along the ridge. There was possibly a third source from a good distance away. We just kept our eyes on the general area with binoculars until I made a move towards the general area. As soon as I entered the forest, towards the clacking, it went dead silent. The best way I could imitate the sounds is if I took two good sized rocks and bang them together. These sounds were by no means a woodpecker or grouse. By the way, the clacking pattern changed from time to time with some hesitations between them. We heard a woodpecker the same day at a different location that sounded in no way similar to the clacking sounds we were hearing. We hiked the ridge for about three hours and found nothing physical to say Bigfoot was around. We probably hiked into the area about two miles along the edge of a 200 foot high wall. My impression on the sounds was that whatever was making the sounds was warning others of our (human) presence in the area. Of course, unless you see the noise maker it's all speculation on what made it.

JANUARY 16, 2000

On this Sunday afternoon, Chris K., Laurie and I took a much longer hike back into the midst of the Woodbury Wildlife area. As we approached a second large lake, we spotted a tree that had been felled by beaver. Chris and Laurie continued down the trail as I broke a limb off the tree. Laurie and Chris told me they had heard something like a person chopping wood. I told them they couldn't have heard that because there were no houses for a long ways. I then proceeded to hit the limb on the felled tree to see if I could get the noise maker to respond. Sure enough, it did. We were silent for a few moments then hit the tree three more times. This time only a single hit came as a result of our three.

Was it a Sasquatch hitting the wood off in a distance. I doubt it. However, my detractors would state what we heard that afternoon was nothing more than gun fire. Well, later that day as we arrived back to the car, we decided to take a little drive. As we were driving the country roads, we spotted a few vehicles parked along the side of the road. We also heard a gun shot while we were driving. Sorry, detractors, but NO similarities! More notes as they warrant.

JANUARY 15, 2000

This evening Marc DeWerth, Chris K. and I went to Coshocton County in search of, Gold! No, just kidding. It was a cool night with temperatures in the upper 20's. A bit of a breeze pushed the wind chills into the single digits. At first, Chris and Marc took a walkie-talkie with them as they hiked the land while I stood guard at the jeep. About 9:05 p.m. I heard on the hill near the top across the road from me, something that sounded like a rapid chest pounding or beating. I contacted Chris and Marc just to let them know what was going on. Twenty minutes had passed, the other two were heading back and I was standing idel by the jeep. Chris & Marc get back to the jeep at about 9:30 p.m. I decided to hike the trail they had been on. This time Chris remained at the jeep. As Marc and I got to a small lake, we heard coming from the direction of the jeep, the same sort of sound. We radioed Chris to see if he could hear it. He said no. Moments later we heard it again. Again Chris couldn't hear it but he was hearing something up the road from him. About 30 minutes had passed when Marc and I arrived back at the jeep.

We have no solid conclusion as to what made the noises. We have eliminated all sorts of animals and birds as well as mechanical devices. It still remains a bit of a mystery... what or who made the noises? More interesting field notes coming soon.

On as regular a basis as possible, this page will be up-dated. With each new entry, the most recent addition will appear FIRST at the top of the chronological listing. Consider this a bit of a 'diary' of incidents.

Thanks for reading the Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Investigation Center Field Research Notes page. Feel free to send questions or comments to Don Keating at

You may return to Bigfoot Sightings in Ohio... now.

This photo shows Larry Lund at the "film site" in Coshocton County, Ohio on June 7'th, 1999.

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