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Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Investigation Center
Printable Incident Report Form
Print this form, complete, and mail to the address at the bottom of the page

This data is collected for investigation by EOBIC researchers and possible publication.
Your personal contact information will not be released without your consent.

Please provide the following information (will NOT be released without your permission):


Street address:

Address (cont.):



Zip/Postal code:


E-mail address:

Homepage URL:

Is it OK to publish your name?

May we release your contact information to qualified EOBIC researchers?

Is it OK for a researcher who lives closer to you to contact you?

May we publish your sighting in EOBIC's Monthly Bigfoot Report or on our
website at our discretion ? (Your address and phone number will not be published)

Date of the sighting:

Time of day:


Location of incident? Be as specific as possible.

Terrain type:

Weather at the time of the incident:

If this was a sighting, how close were you to the creature:

Height of creature:



Did you discover any footprints:

Describe your encounter (use reverse side or additional sheet if necessary):



Any other unusual incidents in the area? If Yes, please describe below.

Any additional information you wish to share?:




Thank you for you time and please keep in touch if you hear of or have any future encounters.

Mail report to:

P.O. Box 205
Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832-0205

Don Keating can be reached via telephone at (740) 498-9878 or email .

Return to the EOBIC Sightings page

Form designed by Cybersquatch - July 31, 1999