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A Year Gone By (NSYNC) - Follow-up to Out Of The Loop. A year after Joeys death, his friends tell what life is like without him and their memories of him.

Aching (OTown) - Jacobs girlfriend has a pain, and he’s letting his sensitive sideshow while he makes it all better.

Awake (OTown) - Ashley is woken in the middle of the night by an angelic voice and a slightly off guitar.

Choices (NSYNC/BSB) - A woman must make a choice between what could have been her one true love and the new love that heals her heart.

Coming Back (OTown) - Dan loves her; She loves him; When will they come back together?

Fallin’ (BSB) - AJs girlfriend cant decide what emotion he makes her feel.

Frick And Frack (BSB) - Frick and Frack are out on the town... Such a sad thing for the girl chosen to babysit them

Heroes (BSB) - Two stars become heroes in the wake of disaster

I Thought She Knew (NSYNC) - Two couples find that things should have been said, but are the words too little too late?

I’m All About You (BSB) - A separated couple miss each other and need to quell the others fears

Moving On, But Not Forward (BSB) - Life changes, and Brian has to move on

Out Of The Loop (NSYNC) - A family secret puts Joey and everyone he holds dear in danger

Snapshot (BSB) - Photographer AJ makes a girl a star... then has to do it again

The Game Is Over (NSYNC) - High School Joey stops playing his girlfriends games

Up Against The Wall (BSB) - Based on the NSYNC song

Updated 03.12.05

Email - Carm