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Want To Take A Challenge?


January Challenge


January Entries (I can’t remember the requirements):


A Night Out by: Memphis


Bad Reaction by: Julie


Gone by: Lara


It’s Good To Be The King by: Webster


Last Will And Testament by: Stephanie


Life Is Good by: Cindy


Shameless by: Alicia Michelle



August Challenge

So I’m going to try to do a challenge again. If it doesn’t work … oh well. I’ve picked 30 songs, a varied group. All you have to do is pick a song and use it to write a story. Easy! Story does not need to be titled after the song, but I do need to know which song it is based on, although this should be evident by the story. I really don’t want to “judge” the stories. I don’t want to pick a “best”, but if that is the only way that people will participate I will.

August Entries:

A Straight Tequila Night by: Mary {Best Joe Mac}

Come Over by: Priscy {Best Letterboys}

Knowing by: Lara {Best JoeC}

Here With Me by: Jen {Best Chris}

Insatiable by: Neenie {Best AJ}

Thrill Seeking by: Lydia {Best OTown}

Straight Tequila Night by: Vikki {Best Lance}

Oblivious by: Aubrey {Best Nick}

One Wild Night by: Heidi {Best Joey}

Adrienne by: Savannah {Best Ashley}

A Cold Day In July by: Tammi {Best TimberNick}



September Challenge

I was going to do something with pictures and quotes from songs for this months challenge, but since my computer time has been limited due to my broken tailbone and T12 fracture I’m making September’s challenge really easy.

Pick a Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw or Brooks & Dunn song and write a story. I’m also going to ask this month that they aren’t slash. I’m sorry if I’m going to loose participants, but I do not like slash and since I have to read the stories to judge them I should at least sort of enjoy what I’m reading. {I am in NO way putting down slash writers! I host slash on this site … I just have a problem with it and don’t wish to read it.} The only other thing that I’m asking is that it’s an original story, I know that there are a great deal of you out there that have already used one of these artist songs as a basis for a story. Hopefully there is another song that you can use. Again, remember, this is a fan fiction site and all stories must be written about one of the bands featured on this site.

September Entries:

Anonymous by: Lisa

Once Upon Her Time by: Kaaryn

I Don’t Have To Wonder by: Lara

Everywhere I go, There You’ll Be by: Mandy

Learning To Live Again by: Jennifer

Friends In Low Places by: Vikki

The Storm by: Megan

My Heart Is Lost To You by: Retta




October Challenge

September winners (3 way tie) were Jennifer Holbrook with Learning to Live Again, Vikki with Friends In Low Places and Lara with I Don’t Have To Wonder.

Well, I wasn’t going to do a challenge this month, but while I was driving to work on Monday I came up with this idea and thought it would be fun. I’m going to allow slash for this one. Please label the story slash when you send it in. I’m going to have someone else reading the slash stories for me. Okay so here’s the deal. Pick one of the following scenarios and write a short story. Easy enough. And as always, this is a fan fiction site and all stories must be written about the bands featured on Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction.

1. You’re invited to a Halloween party. This story must feature all 5 members of whatever group you use. The party can be whatever you make it. Costume or not!

2. A weird version of Ghost in the Graveyard. Some how use having sex in a cemetery/graveyard in a story. {This has always been a fantasy of mine … weird I know!}

3. You go to a haunted house, either real or not. Just write about what happens. Anything interesting?


October Entries:


Beneath The Mask



Ghost In The Grave Yard
