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you may call me crouton
Lifeless questions that I've lifted from other sites!

Name: Gummi Bear.

Nickname: tiny and Heids.

Date of birth: fourth of February, 1980... which makes me a prestigious 20. *heavenly chimes*.

Venue: Los Angeles, baby.

Height: 5'7"/5'8"

Weight: n. Heaviness or mass of an object as determined by weighing.

Eye color: today... they are green.

Hair color: brown.

School: perhaps later.

Car: afraid of 'em, but I do have a groovy wheelchair that gets me around just the same... only much, much slower.

Job: proficient dawdler.

Flesh ornaments: ya huh.

Collects: flesh ornaments.

Phobia: spiders. Outside... I'll deal. In my living space they're eating Windex.

Words I use too much: really and just.

Hobbies/interests: Reading, building, sitting, listening to and playing music..... you know, anything to uphold my title as a partying freak.

Preferred movie: Bad 80's movies.

Preferred tv show: Anything on the history channel.

Preferred number: 12,787,389,102,854,910 jumps at me right now.

Preferred color: I don't have one, but I know yellow scares me.

Preferred place: swing-set.

Preferred music: check out my sounds page.

tad obscure ° likeness
tiny info center