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Hayden: 'Everything I Long For'
bAd As thEy sEEm
In sEptEmbEr

wE dOn't mInd




I'm tO blAmE



yOU wErE lOvEd

whEn thIs Is OvEr

my pArEnt's hOUsE


Click on song titles for lyrics, and photo to hear music

Girl of my dreams
Things are as bad as they seem
She's only 16
That's why she's only a dream
Woman of my dreams
Lives right down my street
Has a daughter who's 16
That's why she's only a dream
What do I do this for?
I've got to get out some more
Go down to the grocery store
Meet someone I'll adore
Someone who'll make me laugh
Someone to be my better half
Keep me warm under the sack
Share with me my midnight snack
House of my dreams
Things are as bad as they seem
My parents' house I'll stay for free
Until I'm at least 43
What do I do this for?
I've got to get out some more
Go down to the grocery store
Meet someone I'll adore
Someone who'll make me laugh
Someone to be my better half
Keep me warm under the sack
Share with me my midnight snack

I don't need to
take this shit from you
I don't want you calling me up at two
Just to tell me that some guy you met who
while at a party told you that he loved you
I don't need to know this
I don't want to know this
Tell me the way they are with you
Tell me exactly what they do
Things that you say you don't need to prove
If what I have is much to lose
I don't need to take this shit from you
I don't want you calling me up at two
Just to tell me that some guy you met who
while at a party claimed he was looking at you
We never should have said that, in September
We shouldn't go away but stay together
Tell me the way to be with you
Tell me exactly what to do
Things that you say you don't need to prove
If what I have is enough for you
for you...

It was a Tuesday morning, November
I slept at your house the night before
We couldn't wait to get up to go for
a big breakfast in an old-fashioned diner
A full meal, six coffee refills later
We both have to be at work in an hour
Let's call in sick, I suggest to her
I'll call your boss and tell her that you're under the weather
You'll call mine, you will tell her
that I am very sick and that you're my mother
So we walk down the street
Looking for a phone booth
We rehearse what we're gong to say
So that we can have this day
We find a phone booth with room for two
I call your boss and I don't speak the truth
They're pretty mad about you but they'll get through
You call my work, in my mother's voice
They believe you
And it starts to rain outside
In a phone booth we hide
It doesn't let up until 5
Squished together we don't mind
We don't mind

Broken bottle won't hurt me
Nothing worse than I have dreamed
Gunshot in my chest you'll leave
I can take that you will see
Late at night is when I dream
Horrible things are what I see
Hard for me to believe
I wake up and I want free
Car crash highway tragedy
Nothing worse than I have dreamed
Loss of my best friend I grieve
I can take that you will see
Late at night is when I dream
Horrible things are what I see
Hard for me to believe
I wake up and I want free

I bought a rose
to give to you
A windy day
the petals flew
From the stem
onto the street
I tried to catch them with my feet
I got to your door
you look to see
Through the peep-hole right at me
You let me in
and I just froze
I gave you a stem
that was a rose
Was a rose

When I was younger
Part time job worker
Department store center
I saw a man enter
He was middle aged
Deep lines on his face
Tight mouth and eyes glazed
Eyelids just half-raised
And I looked at him
He looked at me
He looked so sad
I had to see
What did he want?
What could it be?
What had he been through
Before me seeing him
in the store
I worked for
that year
Ice skates he asked for
The middle of summer
He wanted a good pair
The price he did not care
I looked for his size
Our best pair he tried
Custom-back insides
Excitement in his eyes
And I looked at him
He looked at me
He looked so sad
I had to see
What did he want?
What could it be?
What had he been through
Before me seeing him
in the store
I worked for
that year
I asked, "Are you a pro?"
He looked sad and said,"No.
These skates, my last hope
Without them I cannot cope."
And he said, "My wife
she drowned this summer
behind our house
The river took her
I cannot swim
I need to find her
I will wait 'till it freezes over
And then I will skate
as far as it takes
I will skates far as it takes
to bring her back home."
Back home...

I consider your letter
I understood your questions
I'm wasting away
I've gone astray
Take me away
Know what you'll say
I'm to blame
Didn't want change
Things can't stay
the same way
Come get me
I'm ready
My mind's changed
Will you take me?
I'm wasting away
I've gone astray
Take me away
Know what you'll say

Playing on the drive
Time is almost five
Laundry basket I
sit in while Lee tries
To tell me I should know
Tell me I would grow
By sticking fourteen stones
gently up my nose
So I shoved one up
until it got stuck
Five more then I'm done
Playing with Lee's no fun
Dad looked out the front door and he saw
Only Lee sticking a rock
up his nose while I just watched
Dad chase him around the block
Dad caught him real quick
Then he gave him shit
Hospital by six
His nose the doctors fixed
I sit on the drive
Waiting 'til they arrive
Nose is full inside
I'm trying to stay alive
Lee was too scared to tell dad of me
Stones up my nose and one sees
Until one day I made a face
A stone falls from my nose they see
They'll see

Could I be the one thing missing from your life
and from your every day?
I need you to be beside me
why don't you call me and we'll see
I see you having coffee
You were almost beside me
laughing with your friends
I tell Lorraine to look at you
I tell her I need to tell you
I don't know you
but I want to
I just can't leave here without telling you
just how lonely I've been lately
You are just as lonely maybe
We should go out for some coffee
I wonder how I can give you my phone number
and not be so afraid
I ask Lorraine to give it to you
and I go to the washroom
I return to the table
I look but I'm unable to find you anywhere
I ask Lorraine to look for you
I tell her I need to tell you
I don't know you
but I want to
I just can't leave here without telling you
just how lonely I've been lately
You are just as lonely maybe
We should go out for some coffee
On the way out the door
Lorraine lets me know that she went up to you
gave you my number and said
Call him or else he'll be sad
And I waited
for 2 weeks and
I realized that you'd never call me
How could I have been so stupid?
I should have gone up to you
and told you myself how you made me feel

thought it over too much
myself way too much
I'll utilize
the energy I have left
To say goodbye to you
and I will survive
To you
and I will survive
'Cause I've lost what I once found in you
Take your smoke
coughing, choking
There is no hope
Take your records away
I hate folk
Pack your bags and don't forget your coat
It's cold outside but you'll survive
'Cause I've lost what I once found in you

I wake up beside you in mom's car
I try to get you out
You're strapped to the back seat
I am too
The car is rolling in to water
Why are we strapped to our seats?
What did we do?
I cleaned my room just as she asked me to
Filling up
dirty water
My chin's up
going under
You're still asleep
baby brother
I'll wake you up
when this is over
The car is rolling in to water
Why are we strapped to our seats?
What did we do?
I brushed my teeth just as she asked me to
This is it
baby brother
One more breath
We're almost
Where is mom?
I miss her
The car has rolled into the water
Why are we dying in this way?
What did we do?
I was nice to him, her boyfriend
this is true
When people come to search the lake
we'll be found in our pajamas
They will see
a big mistake is all that this must be

The time when you stayed over
We stayed in bed forever
The mail piled at the door
We lost track of the hours
Pizza boxes towered
on the floor beside the bed
My body's sore from something
Surely wasn't walking
Our friends thought we were dead
And I can't recreate those times we used to have
without you they'll be bad
Let's meet next month at my parent's house
They'll be away like they were then
Away like we were then
You met someone new
Someone who likes you
not like I like you
You ask him if he'll mind
Of course he'll surely mind
So just leave him for me
Will you meet me and we'll try to set things right?
And want things to be right
And I bet we'll stay in bed for days and never leave
And never want to leave
We never have to leave

Why do I stay up 'till three?
Lounging, eating, watching TV
I promised you
that was through
Why do I sleep in so late?
I wish sleeping wasn't so great
I promised you
that was through