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Gwen Mars: 'Magnosheen'

Well kids, I tried. There are no lyric sheets for Magnosheen anywhere [insert sigh here]. The closest thing I could find is singer/songwriter/guitarist Mike Thrasher's synopsis of the songs from this album. Tag the photo to hear music from this CD.

Control "This is the first Gwen Mars song ever written. It was before the band got together. I wrote this for some fictional band I was going to be in someday. I knew that it would be called Gwen Mars, but that was the only thing I knew for sure."

Heal Me "This one is just really impressionistic. Songs for me really start by just putting the pen on the paper and writing words, and then fitting them to melodies."

Cosmic Dick "This was also from before the band got together. It dates from way back, almost to Birmingham. It is not about one specific person.

Fisher King "This is about people who do horrible things, and profit from them. You know, they walk up to somebody and shoot them in the head and become famous and make money from it. It's sick."

Hollow "This is a newer song, and, everyone can apply it to their own experience. I really like the middle section. The instruments are an autoharp and an old organ. We managed to really nail this song in one take for each instrument. It was that heartfelt."

Shrink "This refers to things like Psychic Networks -- you know. '1-800- Psycho.' I really like the sound we got on this -- I use a lot of hollow body guitars, because they have a special kind of reverb, it sounds good on this."

Magnosheen "This song defines the band in a way. The word is one I made up, and I like it. It also works for the name of this particular batch of songs. Magnosheen. It sounds cool, whatever it means."

Stick Baby "This came from a riff. Just a simple little riff that I liked; it sounds like 10 Mack trucks. There's also a reference to the Jimi Hendrix song, Third Stone from the Sun."

Ruined "I'm a big fan of early Alice Cooper - I really liked that stuff - and I wrote this with him in mind. When it was done, I liked it so much so we tried it, and it worked out pretty well."

Dragster "This was written about the same time as Hollow, so it's a newer song. It's a lot easier writing for Gwen Mars now that we're a real band, than before. I know what we sound like, there's a context. One of the things I like about the way this album turned out, is that there is some continuity -- I didn't want it to sound like four different bands. Everything we do, all the different stuff, it sounds like us."

Stuck To The Sun "This is really just a futuristic space song. Not like NASA or Star Trek. Vegas space."

Play Dead "It's about just doing the 9-5 thing and living entirely for the weekend. Totally giving up on improving yourself, and just settling for things the way they are if you're unhappy. It's really an angry song."

Rover "This was originally a joke, but everyone liked it so we kept it. Everybody knows someone like this - and it isn't necessarily meant sexually. We all know somebody that lets themselves be used like a dog. And for what?"

Next to Drown "I wrote this after Kurt Cobain died. I had a friend that was in the same circumstance, and I was wondering if he was going to be next. This was a very early song."

Ticket to Mars "This is actually an experimental noise song. We tried a lot of different weird noises and it came out pretty interestingly."