New Kids Party Pt.2

"I guess that leaves just you and me," Suz breathed in Jordan's ear. She began walking slowly backward, her eyes never leaving Jordan's as she led him towards the bed. He smiled devilishly as she reached for the buttons on her blouse.

"No, let me." Jordan pulled her hands from her shirt and kissed her, his tongue darting quickly around her mouth, teasingly. His hand cupped her breast thru her shirt, gently squeezing and rubbing her already hard nipple. As his mouth slipped down her neck, his teeth nipping and biting, his hands quickly went to work on the buttons. Growing impatient, Jordan grabbed her shirt and yanked it open, buttons flying everywhere. "I'll buy you a new one," he whispered against her collarbone.

Suz moaned as his hands caressed her bare skin. When he fumbled with the catch on her bra, she brought her hands up behind her and deftly unhooked it. Jordan pulled the straps off her shoulders and tossed it over his shoulder. He wasted no time in capturing her bare nipple in his mouth, his tongue lightly flicking it. Her head fell back as he continued his assault on her breasts. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him tighter against her skin.

Jordan trailed his fingertips down Suz's belly to the waistband of her jeans. He quickly undid the button and zipper, slipping his hand under her panties and seeking her heat. Suz cried out with pleasure as his fingers found her clit and began rubbing and stroking. She pushed her pants down her legs, wanting to give him better access. Jordan smiled up at her as he helped her out of her panties. Spreading her legs apart, Jordan slipped a finger inside her. Suz threw her right leg over his shoulder, pulling his face against her. He sucked and licked at her clit, working his fingers harder and faster inside her, feeling her hips rocking in time to his thrusts.

Suz grabbed his hair, pulling tight as her first orgasm ripped thru her, sending shockwaves throughout her body. "Damn, you are talented," she gasped as he slowly began licking up her belly, to her breasts and then her neck. When he was standing before her, she grinned. "My turn," she whispered coyly, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.


"So where are we going Donnie?" Andrea was already wet, just from Donnie holding her hand. We had better get somewhere private soon, or I'm gonna have to fuck him right here in the courtyard, she thought.

"Patience, Andrea," Donnie chuckled. "We're here, anyway." Andrea's eyebrows rose in surprise as she realized that they were standing before the bus Tracy had noticed earlier.

"So she was right," Andrea mumbled, following Donnie up to the door. He unlocked the door and led her inside. "Wow! This place is great." Andrea gazed at the state-of-the-art stereo system that covered one whole wall of the bus. Donnie walked over and flipped a switch. Soft music and dim light flooded the interior of the bus as Donnie came back over to her.

"So you like it?" Donnie asked as his hands ran up under her shirt to her breasts.

"Oh yeah," Andrea breathed, feeling the heat from between her legs spread to every other inch of her body at his touch. "I definitely like it," she moaned as he quickly rid her of her shirt. Her bra followed quickly, and Andrea had to laugh as he went to work on her jeans. "You sure don't waste any time, do you Donnie?"

"We both know why we are here, and we both know what we want, right?" Donnie waited for her nod of assent. "Then why wait?" He slid her jeans down her legs, savoring every inch of silky skin with his eyes and hands. He stood back up and let her undress him.

Andrea gasped as she pushed his pants down, seeing his rock hard erection pushing against his underwear. Helping him out of his jeans, she brought her hands back to his dick, caressing him thru his underwear. Wanting to see him in his full glory, she quickly pulled his underwear off and wrapped her fingers around the shaft of his immense dick. Her eyes gleaming, she teased the tip of his penis with her tongue. Donnie groaned and pressed his hips forward, silently asking for more.

Andrea replaced her fingers with her mouth, encircling him with her lips, her tongue dancing around the head. She slid her mouth as far down his shaft as she could go without gagging and began sucking and licking his dick, while one hand cupped his balls. Donnie began thrusting into her mouth, the sensations she was causing him driving him closer to the edge. Andrea pulled away from him, running her tongue from the tip of his dick down to the base, then over his balls. Her hand grasped his shaft, rubbing and caressing as she kissed and sucked his balls. Donnie groaned as her tongue drew circles around his testicles and her hand was bringing him closer and closer to orgasm. At the last second, she stopped, pulling away from him completely.

"Where you going?" Donnie gasped. Andrea's eyes gleamed as she slowly slipped her panties down her legs and sat down on the couch, spreading her legs wide.

"Right here, Donnie. I want to feel you inside me, now." Andrea leaned back as Donnie walked towards her, her eyes on his erect cock. He knelt between her legs, his penis lightly brushing her lips before grabbing her hips and shoving himself into her. Andrea gasped as Donnie began pumping harder and faster inside her, his fingers rubbing her clit as his dick pounded into her. Her body writhed against him, her legs wrapping around his waist. Andrea cried out as her orgasm hit her hard and fast. Donnie moaned as he felt her tighten around his dick and he grabbed her hips with both hands, pulling her against him as he came.

When the tremors slowed, Donnie laid his head down on Andrea's chest, lightly licking a nipple. Andrea placed her fingers under his chin and lifted his face up. "I think it is time that you return the favor," she ordered, pushing him off of her. "Where's the bedroom on this thing?" Donnie grinned and scrambled to his feet, leading her to the rear of the bus.

Part 3