The Date - A Romantic Night for Amy

by: Chris P.

Amy shifted nervously in her seat, Jonathan was being so mysterious tonight. She wasn't sure where they were going or what they were going to do.

"Are we there yet?" Amy tried to remove the blindfold.

"No. Now sit still, I want this to be a surprise." Jonathan reached out and took Amy's hand in his. "It's not much farther."

"Can't you give me a little hint?"

"No baby," Jonathan pulled Amy's hand up to his mouth and kissed her fingertips. "Just relax. You'll like this."

"Sing me a song then," Amy replied. "Your voice always relaxes me."

"Okay." Jonathan began singing along with the radio. He glanced over at Amy and smiled. He'd been planning this for weeks. He was hoping that when she saw what they were going to do she wouldn't run away screaming. This was their first actual date. All of their other so-called dates had really been group outings.

"We're here," Jonathan said ashe turned the car off. "I'll be around to help you. Just sit still. And DON'T remove the blindfold."

Jonathan came around the car and opened the passenger door. Reaching down, he took Amy's hand and helped her out of the car. He carefully led her up the walk and into the building. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down.

"Okay Amy. I'm gonna remove your blindfold." Jonathan slipped the scarf from her eyes. "Do you like it?"

Amy looked around, stunned. They were standing in the livingroom of a house bigger than she could imagine. In the middle of the room sat a dining table set up for an intimate dinner for two.

"Do you like it?" Jonathan was getting worried by Amy's silence. "I you don't, we can go somewhere else."

"Oh no, Jonathan! I love it!" Amy spun around to face Jonathan. "I was just surprised by the beauty of it all. I can't believe you did all of this for me."

Jonathan blushed deeply. "Of course I did this for you. I'd do just about anything for you."

Jonathan grabbed Amy's hand and led her over to the table. After helping her settle into her seat, he took his seat across from her. He motioned for the servants to begin serving the meal. He wasn't sure what Amy's favorite foods were so ha'd had the cook prepare a variety. Although he was hungry, Jonathan barely touched his food. He spent the entire meal gazing across the table into Amy's beautiful brown eyes. He was so lost in her eyes that he didn't realize the server was talking to him.

"Huh? I'm sorry," Jonathan stammered. "Desert? Yes, the cook knows what I wanted."

"Very well sir." The man cleared the table and returned to the kitchen.

"I'm not a big sweets person," Amy said.

"I know. That's why I had the cook prepare this." Jonathan lifted the lid off the tray that had been set in front of him.

A large variety of fruit had been prepared and arranged on the tray. Reaching down, Jonathan picked up a piece of fruit. He smiled as he began to slowly feed Amy with his fingers. He moaned as he placed a grape in Amy's mouth and she gently sucked his finger.

"You like that, I see." Amy reached for a strawberry. She dipped it into her champagne and placed it in Jonathan's mouth. She could barely control herself as she watched the juice fron the strawberry mixed with the champagne run down Jonathan's chin.

"Maybe we should continue this somewhere..." Amy glanced around. "Somewhere a little more private."

Jonathan grinned as he picked up the fruit and the bottle of champeagne. He motioned for Amy to bring the glass and follow him. He led her down a long hallway. He stopped outside the only door at the end of the hall. He opened the door and led Amy inside. He set the fruit and the champagne on the dresser.

"Is this private enough for you?" Jonathan asked, steeping up behind Amy and taking her in his arms. He bent down and began nibbling on the back of her neck. Hearing her moan, Jonathan turned Amy around to face him. "We won't be needing these anytime soon."

Jonathan took the glasses from her and set the on the dresser. Turning back to Amy, he enveloped her in his embrace ad his mouth trailed butterfly kisses all over her face. Amy reached up and wrapped her arms around Jonathan's neck. Capturing his mouth with hers, she gently bit his bottom lip and received a moan of pleasure from him. As she explored his mouth with her tongue, Jonathan explored her body with his hands, removing her clothing in the process.

Scooping her up in his arms, Jonathan carried her to the bed and lay her down. He smiled as he retreived the champagne from the dresser. He set the bottle down as he returned to the bed and began removing his own clothes.

Amy sat up to watch Jonathan as he slowly stripped. She had wondered what kind of lover he was and now she was about to find out. She reached for him when he was completely naked but Jonathan gently pushed her back down anto the bed and grabbed the champagne. Amy giggled as what Jonathan meant to do became apparent to her. She closed her eyes in anticipation. She let out a moan as Jonathan poured a small amount on her breast and leaned down to lick it off.

"Open your eyes, baby," Jonathan said, pouring more champagne onto her. "I want to be able to see the pleasure you're experiencing by looking into you sexy brown eyes."

Amy opened her eyes and gasped at the passion she saw in Jonathan's own hazel eyes. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she pulled his mouth to hers for a kiss. As the kiss deepened, Amy began exploring Jonathan's body with her hands. Jonathan pulled away slightly as the kiss ended. Supporting his weight on his elbows, he enjoyed the feel of Amy's hands on his skin. Her touch seemed to set his skin on fire. He didn't know how much longer he could hold back, he wanted to feel Amy completely wrapped around him.

Amy trailed her hands over Jonathan's shoulders and across his chest. She raised her head off the pillow and kissed he collar bone. Amy wiggled her body down lower on the bed so that she could follow her hands with her mouth. She kissed his collar bone and down his chest, gently biting his nipple. Jonathan groaned and Amy flicked her tongue over the sensitive skin that she'd bitten.

Amy ran her hand further down and grasped Jonathan's throbbing manhood. She began to stroke him, giggling as he moaned.

"You like this, Jonathan?" Amy asked, already knowing the answer. "I do too. But I would rather feel your dick inside of me, not throbbing in my hand."

"Then come back up here." Jonathan slid his hand under her body and pulled her back up so that her head was again on the pilow. He leaned down and gently kissed her. He slipped his hands underneath Amy's hips and pulled her hips up to meet his as he entered her. Jonathan lay perfectly still, holding Amy tightly against him. When she opened her eyes, Amy saw a single tear run down Jonathan's cheek.

"I love you Amy," Jonathan whispered.

Amy wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs aroud his waist. She arched her body up against him, taking all of Jonathan deep inside her.

"I love you too. Now, please make love to me." Amy wiped Jonathan's tear away.

"Anything for you baby. Anything at all for you," Jonathan whispered as he began moving inside of her.

As their breathing quickened, Jonathan fely Amy thrusting her hips up to meet his faster and harder. Her movements were pushing him towards his climax and he wanted to be sure Amy enjoyed this too. Jonathan slid his hand between their bodies and began rubbing Amy's clit, hoping to bring her along with him.

Jonathan's touch was all Amy needed to push her over the edge. She threw her head back and screamed as her orgasm hit her, racking her body with unbelivable waves of pleasure.

Feeling Amy's body tighten up around him and hearing her cry out in pleasure was all Jonathan needed. He pulled his hand from between their bodies and wrapped his arms around Amy, gathering her close to him as he came.

Amy lay under Jonathan, happier than she had been in a long time. She began an unhappy moan as Jonathan rolled over until she felt his hands pulling her with him. He lay her across his chest and Amy squirmed down the front of him until her head lay directly over his heart. She let the beat of his heart lull her to sleep. She'd never been so happy or felt as safe as she did laying in Jonathan's arms. She hoped this was to become a regular routine. She could get used to falling asleep in Jonathan's arms. As she drifted off into her dreams, she heard Jonathan whisper, "I love you Amy. Will You..."

Amy was asleep before the sentence was ever finished.