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The second Power of the Pen poem.

In Power of the Pen (a writing compition) they asked us 
to write a poem. There are three compitions. The first 
is the District compition which was held at Bethal, Ohio.
Then the second is a Regional compition which was held at 
Piqua, Ohio. The third is the State compition which is held
near Columbus. 
So in the Distric compition they asked us to write a poem
and in the Regional compition they asked us to write a poem.
This is the poem that I wrote for the Regional compition.
I'll also type up the one for the District when I find it...
Now remember, I had to write both of these poems in about 15 minutes...


During rain
It's sad to say
I go through my pockets
Through the whole day.

I find the most amazing things
Like a Spy Boy key chain
That I had picked up at Arby's
Another time it had rained.

I discover a fortune cookie
Still crispy and good
I carry around a fork
Everyone should!

There's more in my pockets
Really weird stuff
But I shalln't dig further
To find all that stuff would be tough...

And you  do not want to see me room!

Like, go, like, here, like like, and, uh, like, read, 'n stuff...yeah! (my imitation of a prep)
