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Pizza Hut

Note: No, I do not hate Pizza Hut, I just got the idea for
this poem and decided to write it.


Someone isn't wearing their hair net
You decide as you glance down at your plate,
The break sticks aren't cooked
And they've been molding at a fast rate.

The vege dip looks like cat barf
And then you read the lable,
"This substance can be harmful to your health
So please feel free to puke on the table."

There are cheesy pictures on the walls
That must have been dug out of a trash bin,
You wouldn't be caught dead with one
All the frames made out of rusted tin.

Spit wads on the celing
Begin to drop into your drink,
They look like little maggots
As into your drink they sink.

Your eyeballs begin to shake
Blood and bile come up into your throat,
As you go insane
Then you croak.

~ Inspired by that unforgettable trip to Pizza Hut with David and Joe Towe and Pam Avera.
(The poem kind of just, ends, doesn't it?)

Go read more poems!
Heehee, wanna see what such a weird person looks like?! Go here.
