2. Vomit
3. Up-chuck
4. Spew
5. A chunky cheese
6. Throw up
7. Blow chunks
9. Barf
10. Driving the porcealin bus
11. Spin-out
12. Ralph
13. Toss cookies
14. Blow chow
15. Emesis (my mum claims this is a medical term for puke...)
16. Toss salsa
17. Acid throw
18. See food
19. Hurl
20. Go to the porcealin chair
21. Green muck
22. Burp-up
23. Spit-up
24. Gag
25. Yak
26. Cascading
27. Tangoing with the toilet
28. Technicolor yawn
29. Hack
30. Loosing your lunch
Alrighty, that's all for now, but if you know of any that I missed then E-mail me and I'll add the word to the list and put your name beside it to give you credit!