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Sequal to Untitled!


She takes a drag from a clove
Glances casually at her watch
In one hand a cigarette is held
In the other a shot of scotch.

Seeing what time it is
She puts the cigarette out in the ash tray
Leaving a few crumpled bills at the bar
She quietly walks away.

With a green book bag slung over one shoulder
She walks tall and proud
But no one gives her a second look
As she blends in with the crowd.

'If only they knew what was in this bag,'
Debra thought will glee,
'They wouldn't think where they were going was so important
Their thoughts would be focused on me.'

Only a few blocks to go
To reach the concert hall
Her hands sweat with anticipation
There is no need to stall.

Everything is in place
For this special night
It is the night of the Miss America Pagent
With girls wearing nylon, silk, and anything tight.

Flashing her fake pass to the guard
He believes she is a reporter
Lets her in the front doors
Not knowing that she is a destroyer.

She walks backstage with confidence
She knows they won't catch her
They never suspected that she killed Kalley
You could call Debra a body snatcher.

It's the last 20 minutes of the show
Debra sits down to wait
She watches the three finalists on stage
None of the bimbos knows their fate.

Debra pulls out a gas mask and remote
The remote being a deadly weapon
Her finger slides toward the button
Her life seeps with desception.

With her eyes burning
She waits for the announcer to say the phrase
"Now to crown the winner!" he declairs,
'And,' Debra thinks in her mind, 'This is the last of theses beauty queen's days.'

Not needing to wait any longer
Debra punchs the button with delight
She waits for the carnage to begin
And watchs the purple smoke seep from the lights.

The audience erupts with shreaks and moans
As everyone pukes their guts out
Then they begin to gasp for air
Like a dying trout.

Then chunks of flesh and hair
Begin to fall from their bodies
Eyes pop and ooze open
And blood begins to invade the lobby.

When the last screams die out
And there is no more purple smoke to be seen
Debra rips off the mask
From her throat erupts laughs of joy and glee.

~ Inspired by Brandi Marker ~

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