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Why and Time

You know how I said that Hate was my first 
poem? Well, tonight I was rummaging around 
my desk and discovered Why... and Time. I 
had forgotten all about them! So Why... and 
Time are my first true poems...written 
sometime in the summer of 1997.

Why... Sitting in the gloom, Waiting for the doom. You brought this upon yourself, Now it's time to deal with reality. "Why?" you may ask, "Have I done this task?" But it's too late to save yourself. As they hurl you downwards, Towards your death afterwards, You remember. And you think, as the fire races through your body, One last thought, "Why..." Time The wind whispers Faint and soft Against your face. The feeling lingers But then fades Like everything else. The clock ticks Just ticks And nothing else. It strikes 1:00 And bells chime, Echoing through the house, But the sound soon leaves. Everything passes, Nothing stayes, So what's the point? What's the reason, you may ask... Time

Everytime I add a poem it's harder and harder to think of something snappy to say,,,just read the damn poems!
Go here to see another form of art besides Poetry...web page designing.
