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Good Reads

Motivational Must Reads

The Measure of Our Success: A Letter To My Children and Yours by Marian Wright Edelman
This #1 New York Times bestseller is Edelman's personal letter to her three sons--a inspirational work of love filled with wisdom and advice, such as don't feel entitled to anything you don't sweat for and don't be afraid to fail--it's the way you learn to do things right. The first African American woman admitted to the Mississippi bar, Edelman is founder and president of the Children's Defense Fund.

Beyond Survival: A P.O.W.'s Inspiring Lesson in Living by Gerald Coffee
For anyone who has struggled through their own "tough times", this book is a must-read. Coffee's description of his suffering as a POW during the Vietnam War, is an inspiring lesson in living. His style is engaging, from the very first lines of the first chapter, where he describes his hallucinatory experience in the ocean just after being shot down. His description of the infamous "Hanoi March" is also unforgettable. Try your local library or second hand bookstore if you don't have any luck finding it online.

Think Big:Unleashing Your Potential For Excellence by Dr. Ben Carson
A book that passes the baton in the relay race to succeed in life. It tells how the positive power of reading, thinking and nurturing excellence allowed a inner-city kid with poor grades and little motivation to sky-rocket to the top and become Director of Pediactric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital by the age of 33.

Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Erikson-Tada
This unforgettable autobiography that has encouraged and inspired millions is now available in a special anniversary softcover edition. Joni is the story of a vibrant, independent seventeen year old whose life was forever changed by a diving accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. Joni tells of her desperate search for meaning in life - and how she learned to trust in a loving God who had allowed this to happen.

How To Handle Adversity by Dr. Charles Stanley
Adversity touches all of us--babies die, children run away, parents get cancer, houses burn down. Stanley discovers that the Bible depicts God as the instigator of some adversity. But God is not the only source, some troubles come as a result of our own doing. Stanley does more than talk theory. He gives practical guidelines to help you move through adversity and discover God's will in each situation. Learn to grow through your pain and discover the lessons that God can teach you in adversity.

If It's Going To Be, It's Up To Me by Dr. Robert Harold Schuller
The dynamic founder of the Crystal Cathedral distills a life-time of motivational wisdom into eight powerful principles that inspire, challenge and guide readers to see and seize unlimited possibilities within themselves.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
Faith in yourself makes good things happen to you. This classic guide to self-esteem and success will help you learn how to: break the worry habit; get other people to like you; avoid "the jitters" in your daily work; believe in yourself and everything you do; develop the power to reach your goals, and so much more.

Live Your Dreams by Les Brown
Brown has come up the hard way: Born into poverty, he was adopted and raised by a single mother and mistakenly labeled "educably mentally retarded" as a youth. With no formal education after high school, he became a disc jockey, then a community activist, and went on to three terms in the Ohio legislature. Now one of America's leading motivational speakers, he delivers his inspirational messages for creating a truly happy, successful life.

Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Quotes, poems, meditations and practical exercises for every day of a woman's year include thought-provoking, inspirational messages, money-saving suggestions, gardening and decorating ideas, and thoughts on personal fulfillment.

Mover of Men and Mountains:The Autobiography by R.G.LeTourneau
This is the story of inventor and industrialist, R.G. LeTourneau, whose inventive genius was decades ahead of his time. His combination of enterprise and Christian commitment led to his sponsoring many works involving foreign missions and education.

Raising Positive Kids In A Negative World by Zig Ziglar
The bestselling motivational author reveals his simple prescription for success with children, step by positive step. Drawing on his experiences as teacher and parent, Zig Ziglar offers sensible guidelines on praise and encouragement, drugs, discipline, sex and romance, and much more.

In Pursuit of Purpose by Dr. Myles Munroe
Myles Munroe redirects the readers attention to the centrality of identifying one's purpose in life as the key to achievement and fulfillment.

Swim With the Sharks : Without Being Eaten Alive : Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition by Harvey Mackay
A super salesman, a sportsman, a popular public speaker and motivator, Harvey Mackay has evolved some of the most dynamic techniques for soliciting and closing a sale ever devised. In this book he reviews the secrets of his success.

Laughing in the Dark: From Colored Girl to Woman of Color - A Journey from Prison to Power by Patrice Gaines
An award-winning Washington Post reporter explores the twisted path she traveled to find her place as a confident black female in a world that values whiteness and maleness. A rich and insightful story of a life lived on the edge by a woman formerly preoccupied with pleasing everyone but herself. The book traces her life from being military brat to her troubled relationships with black men, her time in prison on drug charges, and her eventual success.

Walk Tall: Affirmations for People of Color by Carleen Brice
This tiny book packs a punch and delivers just the burst of energy to keep people of color charged as they start their day or need a moment of respite from daily stresses.

Out of the Madness by Jerrold Ladd
A prize-winning African-American writer describes his struggle out of horrific childhood circumstances, clinging to a heroin-addicted mother, attempting to get out of the violent, drug-ridden projects, overcoming discrimination and self-doubt, and building a new life. This is a raw and hopeful autobiography of a young man who used self-education and sheer force of will to overcome the battery of drugs, violence, and abject povery of his early life in the Dallas projects

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