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I Mean, It's Here, Why Not Click It?

The News

  • My Band, Orange Lazarus, is sick. Literally.
  • My Band, Orange Lazarus, is playing at the Rock Off on January 3rd, also my birthday.
  • My Birthday is coming up on January 3rd!!!
  • I got a L.L. Bean Field Jacket for's beautiful, tell you what.
  • I'm buying my dad's Geo Prizm at the end of the month...
  • My Dad got his Ph. D. in Psychology.
  • I redid my page.
  • I made my annual trip up to Tower City with my ever so lovely girlfriend, and a couple friends, one of them being the infamous Ton-Loc.
  • I've made a fire every day straight for the past month.

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My Bio Page
Orange Lazarus
Tony Boetto
David Sterling
Brenton Calaway
Jon Hampshire
Dan Holmes
Mark Wagner
E-mail my ass, or catch me online as "OgLazarus" or "DylanPrice"