these are some fun words to say. try them! Go on! try them!! now! You know you want to. say them all! it's fun!!!!!!
1. say 'blubber' several times in a row, out loud.
2. do the same with bubble.
3. and with turtle.
4. say: 'Red leather, yellow leather, good blood, bad blood, aluminum linoleum, geranium chrysanthimum' as fast as you can.
5. say: 'A minute or two till two today, a minute or two till two. a thing distinctly hard to say, but harder still to do. With a beat at the two at a quarter till two, and a rat-ta-tat-tat-ta-tat-tat, too, and the dragon will come when he hears the drum, a minute or two till two today, a minute or two till two.
6. Now breathe.