Double Jeopardy

Bobby: I'm a lawyer, what we think isn't supposed to matter.

Libby Parsons: You could've given her a second chance.
Travis Lehman: There are no second chances here! This is the Last Chance House!

Libby Parsons: I could shoot you in the middle of Mardi Gras, and they can't touch me.

Travis Lehman: Dammit, woman, if you don't get out of this car and go to your kid, I'm going to have you arrested... for stupidity.

Nick Parsons: Well, aren't you gonna do something?
Travis Lehman: What are you talkin' to me for? She's the one with the gun.

Elizabeth 'Libby' Parsons: I don't want to kill you, Nick, I just want you to suffer.

Travis Lehman: Oh yeah, she's very pretty, for a convicted murderer. I just came here as a professional courtesy since she's in New Orleans and plans on killing one of your prominent citizens.

Elizabeth 'Libby' Parsons: I haven't felt this good since the day my husband died.

Travis Lehman: Oh no you're not, you're a parole violator. You are coming back with me to Seattle... where I will demand a full pardon, a parade, and a little pink poodle. On a keychain.

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