

Jimmy Gator: The book says, we might be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us.

Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: I really do have love to give; I just don't know where to put it.

Frank T.J. Mackey: I will drop-kick those fuckin' dogs if they come near me.

Claudia Wilson Gator: Now that I've met you, would you object to never seeing me again?

Gwenovier: What are you doing?
Frank T.J. Mackey: I'm quietly judging you.

Donnie Smith, quiz kid: I sometimes confuse melancholia with depression.

Donnie Smith, quiz kid: I used to be smart, but now I'm just stupid.

Thurston Howell: It's dangerous to confuse children with angels.

Frank T.J. Mackey: Respect the cock... and tame the cunt! Tame it!

Frank T.J. Mackey: In this life, it's not what you hope for, it's not what you deserve -- it's what you take.

Earl Partridge: I'll tell you the greatest regret of my life: I let my love go.

Claudia Gator: I'll tell you everything, and you tell me everything, and maybe we can get through all the piss and shit and lies that kill other people.

Frank T.J. Mackey: Denise. Denise the piece.

[Claudia kisses Jim.]
Claudia Wilson Gator: I wanted to do that.
Jim Kurring: Well...
Claudia Wilson Gator: That felt good to do -- to do what I wanted to do.

Claudia Wilson Gator: I'm really nervous that you're gonna hate me soon. You're gonna find stuff out about me and you're gonna hate me.
Jim Kurring: No. Like what? What do you mean?
Claudia Wilson Gator: You have so much -- so many good things. And you seem so together. You're a police officer and you seem so straight and put together -- without any problems.
Jim Kurring: I lost my gun today.
Claudia Wilson Gator: What?
Jim Kurring: I lost my gun today when I left you and I'm the laughingstock of a lot of people. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know and it's on my mind. And it makes me look like a fool. And I feel like a fool. And you asked that we should say things -- that we should say what we're thinking and not lie about things. Well, I can tell you that, this, that I lost my gun today -- and I am not a good cop. And I'm looked down at. And I know that. And I'm scared that once you find that out you may not like me.
Claudia Wilson Gator: Jim. That, that was so--
Jim Kurring: I'm sorry.
Claudia Wilson Gator: --great. What you just said.

Claudia Wilson Gator: You don't know how fucking stupid I am.
Jim Kurring: It's okay.
Claudia Wilson Gator: You don't know how *crazy* I am.
Jim Kurring: It's okay.
Claudia Wilson Gator: I got troubles, okay?
Jim Kurring: I'll take everything at face value. I'll be a good listener.
Claudia Wilson Gator: I started this didn't I, didn't I -- fuck!
Jim Kurring: Whatever it is, just say it, you'll see.
Claudia Wilson Gator: ...You wanna kiss me, Jim?
Jim Kurring: Yes, I do.

Jim Kurring: Let me tell you something, this is not an easy job. I get a call on the radio, dispatch, it's bad news. And it stinks. But this is my job and I love it. Because I want to do well -- in this life and in this world, I want to do well. And I want to help people. And I might get twenty bad calls a day. But one time I can help someone and make a save -- correct a wrong or right a situation -- then I'm a happy cop. And as we move through this life we should try and do good. Do good... And if we can do that, and not hurt anyone else, well... then...

Dixon: When the sunshine don't work, the good Lord bring the rain in.

Jim Kurring: I can't let this go. I can't let you go. Now, you... you listen to me now. You're a good person. You're a good and beautiful person and I won't let you walk out on me. And I won't let you say those things -- those things about how stupid you are and this and that. I won't stand for that. You want to be with me... then you be with me. You see?

Young Pharmacy Kid: Strong, strong stuff here. What exactly you have wrong, you need all this stuff?
Linda Partridge: Motherfucker...
Young Pharmacy Kid: What are you talking about?
Linda Partridge: Who the fuck are you, who the fuck do you think you are? I come in here, you don't know me, you don't know who I am, what my life is, you have the balls, the indecency to ask me a question about my life?
Old Pharmacist: Please, lady, why don't you calm down -- ?
Linda Partridge: Fuck you, too! Don't call me "lady"! I come in here, I give these things to you, you check, you make your phone calls, look suspicious, ask questions! I'm sick! I have sickness all around me and you fucking ask me about my life?! "What's wrong?" Have you seen death in your bed? In your house? Where's your fucking decency? And then I'm asked fucking questions. What's...wrong?! You suck my dick! That's what's wrong! And you, you fucking call me "lady"?! Shame on you! Shame on you!! Shame on both of you!

Alan Kligman, Esq.: Linda, stop! Now you take a moment, you breathe, and one thing at a time.
Linda Partridge: Shut the fuck up.
Alan Kligman, Esq.: You know what would help you, Linda?
Linda Partridge: Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.
Alan Kligman, Esq.: You need to sober up.
Linda Partridge: Now, you must *really* shut the fuck up now, please -- shut the fuck up.
Alan Kligman, Esq.: Linda.
Linda Partridge: I have to go.
Alan Kligman, Esq.: Let me call you a car Linda.
Linda Partridge: Shut the fuck up!

Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: I love you, Brad -- Brad the bartender. You wanna love me back? I'll be good to you.

Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: I'm sick and I'm in love.
Thurston Howell: You seem the sort of person who confuses the two.
Quiz Kid Donnie Smith: That's right. That's the first time you've been right. I confuse the two and I don't care.

Jim Kurring: Sometimes people need to go to jail. And sometimes people need to be forgiven.

Frank T.J. Mackey: I will not apologize for who I am.

Burt Ramsey: We met upon the level, departing on the square.

Frank T.J. Mackey: Do you think they're your friends? They're not your friends. Do you really think she'll be there when things go bad? Huh? When things go wrong? You think again. Fucking Denise. Denise the piece. Oh, you're gonna give me that cherry pie sweet mama baby!

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