

Elevator passenger (after the elevator has crashed to a stop): "Jesus. Bob, what button did you push?"

Harry: "Alright, pop quiz: The airport. Gunman with one hostage, he's using her for cover, he's almost to the plane. You're a hundred feet away." (Long Pause) "Jack?"
Jack: "Shoot the hostage."
Harry: "What?"
Jack: "Take her out of the equation. Go for the good wound and he can't get to the plane with her. Clear shot."
Harry: "You are deeply nuts, you know that? 'Shoot the hostage'... jeez..."

Harry: "You shot me. I can't believe it. They're giving you a medal for shooting me you little prick."

Jack: "Stop! L.A.P.D! Get out of the car!"
Driver: "Hey man, this is MY car. I OWN this car. It's not stolen."
Jack: "It is now. Move over."
Driver: "Fuck!... you scratch this puppy and me and you are gonna have words, you understand?" (tires squeal)

Howard Payne: "Jack, nothing tricky now. You know I'm on top of you! DO NOT attempt to grow a brain!"

Jack: "Harry, there's enough C-4 on this thing to put a hole in the world!"

Jack: "It's a game. If he gets the money he wins, if the bus blows up he wins."
Annie: "What if you win?"
Jack: "Then tomorrow we'll play another one."
Annie: "But I'm not avalible to drive tomorrow. Busy."

Payne: "See, I'm in charge here! I drop this stick, and they pick yer friend here up with a sponge! Are you ready to die, friend??"
Harry: "Fuck you!"
Payne: "Oh! In two hundred years we've gone from "I regret but I have one life to give for my country" to "Fuck you!"?"

Jack Traven: "You're crazy! You're fuckin' crazy!"
Howard Payne: "NO! Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric."

Swat Cop: "Anything else that'll keep this elevator from falling?"
Jack Traven: "Yeah. The basement."

Jack Traven: "Tell me again Harry, why did I take this job?"
Harry Temple: "Oh come on, thirty more years of this, you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch."
Jack Traven: "Cool."

Howard Payne: "Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?"

Harry: "I'm going to go home. Have some sex."
Jack: "Harry, you're going to go home and puke."
Harry: "Yeah, well, that'll be fun too."

[Traven spots the explosive device (it's huge); Stephens is relaying his observations by cel-phone.]
Jack Traven: "Fuck me!!"
Stephens: "Oh, darn."

Helen: "Are they going to help us?"
Stephens: "Sure they are, they're the police. Hey, your taxes are paying their salaries. We die, they gotta take a pay cut."

[Jack is helped onto the bus after trying to defuse bomb]
Stephens: "Did you have any luck with the bomb?"
Jack Traven: "Yeah, it didn't go off."

Annie: "So you're a cop, right?"
Jack: "That's right."
Annie: "Well, I should probably tell you that I'm taking the bus because I had my driver's license revoked."
Jack: "What for?"
Annie: "Speeding."

Annie: "What is that smell?"
Jack Traven: "It's gas."
Annie: "We're leaking gas?!"
Jack Traven: "We are now."
Annie: "What, you thought you needed another challenge or something?"

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