X-Men 2


[about Mystique]
Wolverine: She's good.
Magneto: You have no idea.

Magneto: That's quite a talent you have there. What's your name?
Pyro: John.
Magneto: What's your real name?
[Takes a flame form a lighter into his own hand]
Pyro: Pyro.

Bobby: Got any beer?
Wolverine: This is a school.
Bobby: Is that a no?
Wolverine: Uh, yeah.

Storm: Kurt, can you transport in there?
Nightcrawler: No. I have to see where I am going, otherwise I might end up in a wall.

Magneto: Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman; especially one who's interested in you.

William Stryker: The tricky thing about adamantium is, that if you ever manage to process it's raw, liquid form, you got to keep it that way. Keep it hot. Because once the metal cools, it's indestructible, but you already know that. I used to think you were one of a kind Wolverine...I was wrong.

Mrs. Madeline Drake: I thought we were sending you to a school for the gifted.
Rogue: Bobby is gifted. You should see what he can do.

Storm: Sometimes anger can help you survive.
Nightcrawler: So can faith.

Pyro: They say you're the bad guy.
Magneto: Is that what they say?
Pyro: That's a dorky looking helmet.
Magneto: That "dorky looking helmet" is the only thing protecting me from the real bad guys.

John Allerdyce: You know those "Dangerous Mutants" you hear about on the news? I'm the worst one.

Rogue: This is Bobby, m--
[Interrupting her]
Iceman: I'm her boyfriend.
[He shakes Logan's hand, freezing it]
Wolverine: Boyfriend? So how do you guys...
Iceman: We're working on it.

Magneto: War has begun...

Nightcrawler: I do not fear them I pity them. You know why? Some people will never know beyond what they can see with their own eye

John Allerdyce: Don't do that again.
Logan: I agree.

Storm: It is about to get very cold in here.
Nightcrawler: I'm not going anywhere.

Magneto: When will these people ever learn to fly?

Mrs. Madeline Drake: Have you ever try not being a mutant.

Professor X: [to Pyro] The next time you feel like showing off, don't.

[Looking at confidential papers]
President McKenna: How did you get this?
Professor X: Let's just say I know a little girl who can walk through walls.

Nightcrawler: They say you can imitate anyone, even their voice.
Mystique: [as Nightcrawler] Even their voice.
Nightcrawler: Then why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.

Rogue: Logan, come on.
Logan: I can take care of myself.
Rogue: But we can't.

Wolverine: I need you to read my mind again.
Professor X: Sometimes the mind needs to discover things for itself.

Police man: Put the knives down and get on the ground.
Logan: I can't.

Wolverine: If you want to shoot me, then shoot me!

Magneto: This is one lovers' quarrel we don't want to get in the middle of.

Wolverine: She did make a choice Scott, it was you.

Wolverine: Who are you?
William Stryker: Don't you remember?

Cyclops: Wait, wait a second, who the hell is this guy?
Nightcrawler: I'm Kurt Wagner, but in the great world of Circus, they...
Storm: [interrupting] Shhh! He's a teleporter!

Mrs. Madeline Drake: Bobby? aren't you supposed to be in school?
Mr. Drake: Do you know him?
[They look at Wolverine.]
Bobby: ...That's Professor Logan. Mom, Dad there's something I need to tell you.

Jean Grey: Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

Professor X: Eric, what have you done?
Magneto: I'm sorry Charles, I couldn't help it.
Professor X: What have you told Stryker?

Magneto: Everything.

Professor X: William..
William Stryker: Oh, please Xavier, don't get up.

Mrs. Madeline Drake: What exactly do you teach, Professor Logan?"
Wolverine: Art.

[After Bobby reveals he is a mutant]
Mrs. Madeline Drake: Oh my God, this is all my fault.
Pyro: Actually the mutant genes are carried by males, so it's his fault!
[Mr. Drake]

Ororo Munroe: [about Nightcrawler's scars] What are they?
Nightcrawler: They're an angelic language passed down to the human race by the archangel Gabriel.
Ororo Munroe: How many?
Nightcrawler: One for every sin, so, quite a few.

Pyro: I'm driving.
Wolverine: No, next time.

William Stryker: Sergeant, kill everyone that approaches; even if it is me.

Professor X: Mutants. Since the discover of their existence, mutants have been regarded with fear, suspicion, often hatred. Are they the next link in the evolutionary chain or just a new species fighting for their share of the world?

William Stryker: Nobody really knows how many even exist or where to find them-except you.

Magneto: You're a god among insects; don't let anyone tell you any different.

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