Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ~ Ferengi


Quark to Rom: Of course it's your fault! Everything that goes wrong around here is your fault! It says so in your contract!

~Heart of Stone

Quark: All I ask is a tall ship... and a load of contraband to fill her with!

~Little Green Men

Quark quotes from a Ferengi education book meant to teach kids to read: "See Brak acquire. Acquire, Brak, acquire."


Rom: I guess I wasn't thinking.
Quark: What else is new?

~The Ascent

Nog: Muscles, Jake! You know, the things that are supposed to go between your bones and your skin?
Jake: I've heard of them.
Nog: Good, because when I'm done with you, you'll have some of your very own!

~The Ascent

Dax: And, as the 34th Rule of Acquisition states: "Peace is good for business."
Quark: That's the 35th Rule.
Dax: Oh, that's right. What's the 34th?
Quark: "War is good for business." It's easy to get them confused.


Rom, upon seeing the Nagus' revised Rules of Acquisition: It means we're gonna have to memorise a whole new set of rules!

~Prophet Motive

Grand Nagus Zek: A little late, aren't we?
(Zek had just sneezed and Maihar'Du didn't get his handkerchief out in time.)

~Rules of Acquisition

The Nagus: I'm old. The fire dims. I'm just not as greedy as I used to be.

~The Nagus

Quark: Any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and to wear clothes is doomed to failure.

~Call to Arms

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