Dr Crusher: It is definitely like alcohol intoxication. The same lack of good judgement - for example, right now I find you extremely, extremely... Of course we haven't time for that sort of thing!
Picard: What sort of thing?
Dr Crusher: Oh God, would I love to show you!!

~The Naked Now

Dr Crusher: The Tarellians had reached Earth's late twentieth century level of knowledge. That's all you need if you're a damned fool.


Dr Crusher: But if there isn't anything wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe!

~Remember Me

Dr Crusher: It was a long time ago, and I don't want to be known as the Dancing Doctor - again.

~Data's Day

Dr Crusher: Have you ever heard the old story about the man who went to the doctor? He says, "Doctor, it hurts when I raise my arm like this." The doctor said, "Then, don't raise your arm like that."
Willy: So, if I get dizzy standing up...
Dr Crusher: Then don't stand up!


Dr Crusher: Why don't we look at this from a mosquito's point of view?
Data: Interesting metaphor, Doctor. What is your idea?
Dr Crusher: If we sting them in a tender spot, they might stop for a minute to scratch.

~Best of Both Worlds I

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