Riker: Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.


Picard: Abort autodestruct.
Computer: Riker William T, do you concur?
Riker: Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur wholeheartedly!
Picard: A simple "yes" would have sufficed.

~Where Silence has Lease

Riker: If it should become necessary to fight, could you arrange to find some rocks to throw at them?


Riker: I wouldn't mind the assignment, Sir.
Picard: Any particular reason?
Riker: Because nobody's ever done it before.

~A Matter of Honour

Riker: If we have a choice between slim and none, I'll take slim any day.

~Deja Q

Riker: The captain says Shelby reminds him of the way that I used to be, and he's right. She comes in here full of drive and ambition, impatient, taking risks. I look at her and I wonder what happened to those things in me. I liked those things about me. I've lost something.
Deanna: You mean, you're older, more experienced, a little more ... seasoned.
Riker: Seasoned. That's a horrible thing to say to a man.

~Best of Both Worlds I

Shelby: May I speak frankly, Sir?
Riker: By all means.
Shelby: You're in my way.
Riker: Really. How horrible for you.
Shelby: All you know how to do is play it safe. I suppose that's why someone like you sits in the shadow of a great man for as long as you have, passing up one command after another. (To the turbolift computer) Proceed to deck 8.
Riker: When it comes to this ship and this crew, you bet I play it safe.
Shelby: If you can't make the big decisions, Commander, I suggest you make way for someone who can.

~Best of Both Worlds I

Riker: Mr Worf, fire.

~Best of Both Worlds I

Riker, on Barclay: Quite a healthy fantasy life, wouldn't you say?

~Hollow Pursuits

Picard: Number One, that's "retract plank," not "remove plank."
Riker: Of course, Sir. Sorry!


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