Doctor: Push, Ensign.
Wildman: You push, damn it. I'm sick of pushing.
Paris: This is ridiculous. It's been seven hours. How long does it take to deliver a baby.
Janeway: As long as it takes, Mr. Paris.
Tuvok: I have learned that pregnancy and patience go hand in hand.
Janeway: I'm not sure if I should be welcoming it on board or apologizing. Voyager isn't exactly anyone's idea of a nursery. And the Delta Quadrant isn't much of a playground.

Chakotay: My father had a saying, Captain. Home is wherever you happen to be.

Janeway: I'm in no mood to donate any organs today.

Janeway: I just saw myself cross the bridge and enter that turbolift. It was very faint. Almost like a ghost image. And I looked like hell.

Janeway: Captain, this isn't an illusion. What you're seeing is real, but it's going to take some explaining.

Janeway: The lives of both crews are at stake here. I can't make unilateral decisions that might affect that other ship.

Janeway: Rig another one, Ensign. I'm going with her.

Janeway2 (from undamaged ship): You're going to self destruct your ship.
Janeway: What makes you say that?
Janeway 2: Because that's what I would do if your Voyager were intact and my Voyager were crippled, my crew wounded or dead. I'd sacrifice my ship so that yours could survive.
Janeway: This is my ship and my decision.
Janeway 2: Captain, I'm not going to let you....
Janeway: I've made my decision. Please don't make me call security and have you escorted off my ship, because... you know I'll do it.

Janeway: I don't suppose there's any way I can change your mind. I know how stubborn you can be.
Tuvok: One could say that you were both the doubter and the doubted.

Doctor: I am programmed to be heroic when the need arises. By the way, Ensign, this other doctor, did he have a name?

Kim: This really isn't my ship--and you're not really my captain. And yet, you are and there's no difference. But I know there's a difference. Or is there? It's all a little weird.
Janeway: Mr. Kim, we're Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job.

Torres: Harry, the breach is widening. Let's get out of here.
(Harry doesn't respond)
Torres: Dammit, Harry. Let's go.
Kim: Hold on. My minute isn't up yet. Ah!
(Breach opens and starts to suck Harry out into space)
Torres: Harry, grab my hand!!
(Harry is sucked out into space)
Torres: HARRY!!

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