Janeway: Could Seska be responsible?
Torres: No, Captain. I am.

Chakotay: I expect everyone to show up for meetings on time and properly dressed.
Paris: Yes, sir.

Torres: Chakotay looked at me -- I didn't know him very well then-- and all he said in that damned soft voice of his was that I'd hurt him. That he thought he had earned my trust and loyalty.

Paris: I didn't like his attitude.
Torres: Was he right about your reports?
Paris: We're in the Delta Quadrant. Nowhere near Starfleet...what difference...? Yeah, he was right. I'm the one who’s been wrong. Wrong about a lot of things.

Kellan: Your reputation precedes you, Captain. We've been told that you've threatened many races since your arrival in this quadrant.

Dreadnought: Although this vessel is Cardassian in design, it has been appropriated by the Maquis. Please stand down your weapons.
Janeway: You stand down your weapons and I'll stand down mine.
Paris: When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried.

Torres: So when I was just over there and you shut yourself off... you were lying to me?
Dreadnought: Acknowledged.

Dreadnought: The probability of being in the Delta Quadrant, 75,000 light years from last known location, is negligible.

Kellan: You would sacrifice yourselves to benefit a people ou didn't even know two days ago?
Janeway: To save two million lives? That's not a hard decision.

Paris: Captain, thanks for everything.

Tuvok: It is logical have a second-in-command in case you are injured and unable to complete the mission, Captain. I request permission to remain.
Janeway: Permission granted.

Torres: Who would have thought two years ago, after all those weeks we spent together, perfecting your program, that we'd end up out here, trying to kill each other.

Cardassian computer voice: Cardassian ATR4017. Attempting to active systems
B’Elanna: I never thought I'd be glad to hear that voice again
Marquis computer voice: Voice analyzer functioning. Unable to identify
Cardassian computer voice: Attempting to activate systems
Marquis computer voice: No additional presence detected
B’Elanna: Check those diagnostics Dreadnought. You're talking to yourself. I believe you're having an identity crisis

Janeway: Computer, abort self destruct sequence; authorization Janeway, pi, 1, 1, 0

Janeway: Doctor, I forgot all about you!
Doctor: How flattering

Doctor: I took the liberty of beaming Lieutenant Torres from the transporter room to sickbay. She's somewhat singed around the edges, but should make a full recovery

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