Janeway: My gut tells me we should go after Chakotay. But my better judgment tells me we should honor his request.
Torres: I would never want you to ignore your better judgment, Captain. But, let me ask you this. In your opinion, how would the loss of our first officer affect this crew? What would it do to the morale on this ship? Maybe this is an instance where your gut is giving you better advice.

Janeway: How do you expect me to keep order when the first officer takes it upon himself to run off like some cowboy because he decides it's a good idea? What you did was commendable...the way you did it was not. You set a terrible example, and on a personal level you've made my job more difficult.
Chakotay: If that's so, I regret it.
Janeway: I'm putting you on report in case that means anything anymore.
Chakotay: It means something to me, Captain. It means I've let you down....and for that, I'm truly sorry.

Chakotay: Whatever she wants us for it better be good. I had you right where I wanted you
B’Elanna: What are you talking about? I was ahead, 19 - 7
Chakotay: I was just lulling you into a false sense of security
B’Elanna: Sure you were
Chakotay: I'll win the next couple of points and then you'll start to tense up
B’Elanna: I don't tense up
Chakotay: Easy, B'Elanna, it's only hoverball

B’Elanna: You're taking this all very personally, aren't you?
Chakotay: Why shouldn't I?
B’Elanna: You are not responsible for what happened
Chakotay: Oh no? I let her join the Maquis. I took her into my confidence. I even ... got intimately involved with her
B’Elanna: So you have lousy taste in women. Look, Chakotay, she fooled us all. She was my best friend or at least I thought
Chakotay: I for one am through being manipulated by her
B’Elanna: Are you sure? Because she's affecting you. That's just where she wants you. Don't tense up
Chakotay: So now I'm getting advice about controlling my emotions from you

Janeway to Kim: Your optimism may be premature Mr. Kim, but it’s also infectious.

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