Neelix: The morale of the crew will suffer if we leave them behind.
Tuvok: Not if, Mr. Neelix. When, we leave them behind.

Tuvok: I am not certain what it is you expect me to do, Lieutenant.
Paris: I guess clearly something you can't do. Which is to feel as rotten about this as we do.
Tuvok: You are correct that I am unable to experience that emotion. Nevertheless, I fail to see what the benefit would be.

Janeway: Maybe you should call me Kathryn.
Chakotay: Give me a few days on that one, okay?

Janeway: This is Kathryn Janeway. I've never liked saying goodbye, so I'll make this brief. But I want you all to know that serving as your captain has been the most extraordinary experience of my life. No captain can ask for more than what this crew has given...bravery, compassion and strength in character. But I think what I'll miss most is the fun...the times we joked together, the games on the holodeck. I'll remember the laughter more than anything. Although Commander Chakotay and I won't be with you for the rest of your journey, we know you'll be the same steadfast crew for Mr. Tuvok as you have been for us. We wish you a safe and speedy journey home. Our thoughts will be with you. Janeway out.
Tuvok: Thank you, Captain, Commander. I am sure I speak for the entire crew when I say we will always remember your grace and courage. And on a personal note, I would like to add that it has been a honor serving with you. Live long and prosper.

Chakotay: Why do you have to see it as defeat? Maybe it's simply accepting what life has dealt us...finding the good in it.

Tuvok: Ensign, you are relieved of duty. Leave the bridge at once or I will have you put in the brig.
Kim: Sir, I think you should know how many people on this ship disagree with you. Everyone I talk to thinks we should give this a try.
Tuvok: The people you talk to do not have the responsibility of commanding this vessel. I do. The safety this crew is paramount, and I must do whatever I can to ensure that safety.
Kim: But if we're willing to take the risk in order to help the Captain...
Tuvok: Ensign, I'm going to say this once and once only. If you ever question my orders again, you will be relieved of duty permanently. The next words I expect to hear from you are yes, sir.
Kim: Yes. Sir.

Chakotay: I can't sacrifice the present waiting for a future that may never happen.

Kes: I didn't know how I'd get through the rest of my life without him. But then I started working with you, and I did not miss him so much anymore. Tuvok: I am honored by the comparison.

Tuvok: If you are suggesting that I am not sensitive to the situation, nothing could be further from the truth. I have lost a valued friend. I am not immune to the effects of that loss.
Kes: Then try to imagine what it's like for those of us who feel things deeply.
Tuvok: None of you can appreciate what it means to be in command of a ship until that responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders as it does on mine. It has been suggested that I take an action which would require me to disobey an order and knowingly put this crew in a life threatening situation. In general, I believe it demonstrates faulty leadership to be guided by the emotions of a distraught crew. However, as captain, I must not ignore the sensibilities of those I command. We will contact the Vidiians. This is my decision and mine alone. You will all be absolved of responsibility in the matter. I will accept any consequences which may ensue.

Janeway: I think we need to define some parameters...about us.
Chakotay: I'm not sure I can define parameters... but I can tell you a story. An ancient legend among my people about a angry warrior who live his life in conflict with the rest of his tribe. A man who couldn't find peace, even with the help of his spirit guide. For years, he struggled with his discontent, but the only satisfaction he ever got came when he was in battle. This made him a hero among his tribe. But the warrior still longed for peace within himself. One day he and his war party were captured by a neighboring tribe led by a woman warrior. She called on him to join her, because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself form all its enemies. The woman warrior was brave and beautiful and very wise. The angry warrior swore to himself that he would stay by her side, doing whatever he could to make her burden lighter. From that point on, her needs would come first. And in that way, the warrior began to know the true meaning of peace.
Janeway: Is that really an ancient legend?
Chakotay: No. But it made it easier to say.

Chakotay: Our tricorders don’t recognize it, but it sure packs a wallop.

Janeway: Who wanted to muck around in the dirt when you could be studying quantum mechanics?

Chakotay: Even the eagle must know when to sleep.

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