Neelix: It's an exhilarating day, isn't it?
Tuvok: As you well know by now, Mr. Neelix. I do not experience exhilaration.
Neelix: You're acting more Tuvokian than usual this morning.
Tuvok: I am who I am, Mr. Neelix. It is impossible for me to be more or less like myself.

Tuvok: Do you think you could possibly behave a little less like yourself?

Kim: Identify yourself.
Tuvix: I'm Lieutenant Tuvok.... and I'm Neelix.

Doctor: He possesses Tuvok's knowledge and expertise. He also possesses Tuvok's irritating sense of intellectual superiority and Neelix's annoying ebullience. I would be very grateful if you would assign him to some duty...any duty...somewhere else.

Tuvix: Sex !
Janeway: I beg your pardon?

Tuvix: All right, everybody out.
Hogan: On whose authority?
Tuvix: Chief of Security or Head Chef...take your pick.

Chakotay: How'd you fix it so quick?
Tuvix: I had a hunch.
Chakotay: There's an old axiom: The whole is never greater than the sum of its parts. I think that Tuvix might be disproving that notion.

Kes: It's funny. If something happened to Tuvok...if Neelix were here, he'd be the first person to comfort me and if I lost Neelix, Tuvok would be the first person to guide me spiritually. Now I don't have either of them.

Tuvix: Captain Janeway tells me there's a place for me on this ship. But I can't help feeling like some sort of imposter.

Janeway: Most people would say his writing is cold... analytical... detached. But I've always found it to be conside..efficient..thoughtful.

Janeway: I know that someday I may have to accept that he's not part of my life anymore.

Paris: We've created a monster.
Doctor: There's nothing to worry doubt. We've accounted for every variable.
Tuvix: Except one. I don't want to die.

Janeway: So at what point did he become an individual and not a transporter accident?
Tuvix: Look at me, Captain. When I'm happy, I laugh. When I'm sad, I cry. When I stub my toe, I yell out in pain. I'm flesh and blood. And I have the right to live!

Tuvix: Each of you is going to have to live with this. And I'm sorry for that, you are all good, good people...my colleagues.. my friends. I forgive you.
Doctor: I will not take Mr. Tuvix's life against his will.
Janeway: Very well, Doctor. Please step aside.

Janeway: Mr. Tuvok, Mr. Neelix....it's good to have you back.

Kes: Captain, Tuvix has asked me to speak to you on his behalf. . . But I can't.
Janeway: He shouldn't have put you in the middle of this.
Kes: I am in the middle. I have been since the moment of the accident. I don't know how to say goodbye to Neelix and Tuvok. I know this sounds horrible.
(Kes starts crying)
Kes: And I feel so guilty for saying it. And Tuvix doesn't desire to die. But I want Neelix back.
(Kes continues crying and Janeway holds her)

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