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A 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California.

It was one man's love; his passion and his fault he didn't lock the garage when Ferris Bueller wanted a day off.

One day towards the end of his senior year, Ferris (Matthew Broderick), cuts school and heads for downtown Chicago with his girl Sloane (Mia Sara), and his best friend Cameron (Alan Ruck), to show what a little ingenuity, a lot of nerve and a red Ferrari can do.

From John Hughes, the director of "The Breakfast Club" and "Weird Science", comes a contemporary comedy which follows Ferris' wildly audacious and nearly flawless plan to take it easy.

Taken from the back of the film's video cover

Welcome to the headquarters of the original and one and only Ferris Bueller Web Ring© established by Dan Holmes.

Dedicated to the John Hughes 1986 cult classic, this ring aims to link any Ferris Bueller's Day Off related sites.

To see a list of all the sites that belong to the Ferris Bueller Web Ring, then hit the "List Sites" Button to the left.

To see the top sites (based on webring hits) of the Ferris Bueller Web Ring, then hit the "Top Sites" Button to the left.

Interested in joining the Ferris Bueller Web Ring?

If you are interested in joining the Ferris Bueller Web Ring, you must first satisfy these preconditions

  • You must have a Ferris Bueller related or Ferris Bueller cast member related site

  • AND
  • You must be willing to insert the Ferris Web Ring HTML fragment into your page. (It appears just as the panel at the bottom of the page does).

If your site satisfies these conditions then joining up is a simple 2 step process.

  1. Simply press the "Add Site" link on the left hand side of this page, and enter your site details
    (Note: If you make a mistake that you realise after submitting your details do not resubmit your site but rather edit your existing queue entry using the "Edit Site" button).
  2. You will then be given the customised html fragment to insert on your page that you listed in the previous step.
    Insert this code anywhere in the page who's url you specified in the last step and once it is viewed, your site will be added to the ring.

Information for existing web ring members

If you should want to edit any details of your site as listed in the webring, for example, the url (should you want to move the webring panel to another page), the site title, your email address, the site description, your email address or even if you want to remove your site from the ring. Please press the "Edit Site" button and enter your site id and password.

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This Ferris Bueller Web Ring site is owned by
Dan Holmes.
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