The Old Guestbook Data

Dan's Guestbook
Total: 23 guests
Name: John Jarvis
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Akron, Ohio
Time: 1997-04-01 11:42:00
Comments: Corndog kicks Ass!!!!, I was a lousy singher, not making any practices. Like your page dude, mail me sometime, maybe we can get together and jam, I am working on getting an electric guitar CHEAP!

Name: Kaye
Website: "Snaffles HOME!!!"
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sunny FLORIDA!
Time: 1997-03-16 06:37:00
Comments: Just cruisin by to say had stopped off at my page and left me an e mail to let me know you were by! ;)

Name: Mariah "CuZ"
Website: HomePage of a Maui Gyrl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maui, Hawai'i~~Reppin da 808
Time: 1997-03-02 20:44:00
Hey you! U got a cool page here! It was nice talkin to you in the Maui chats! You made me laugh, it was good fun. Yeah yeah I know I'm a weather wimp, but ya don't gotta rub it in! *haha* N-E wayz, take care of your sweet self and I'll talk to you lataz!

Name: NiKolE
Website: (';')
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: ND
Time: 1997-03-02 18:56:00
Comments: hey ralph this is way kewl... **smile**

Name: Kevin/Mugsy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-01 14:31:00
Comments: hey dan, nice jawa gif it's kevlar

Name: Lindsay "mossimo"
Website: ********************************************
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: iowa
Time: 1997-03-01 11:40:00
Comments: Hey Ralph! I signed your guest book so now you'll know me forever!

Name: Erin
Website: Matty Silver's Homepage
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: WI
Time: 1997-02-28 00:44:00

Hey, look, duckies! *L* I love you *kiss*

Name: Dan (The Management)
Website: Dan's Bar & Grille
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hey, I own the freakin' place!
Time: 1997-02-27 16:28:00
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Name: Darling
Website: Darling`s Beach House
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Dunno....*grin*
Time: 1997-02-26 13:16:00
Hey Ralphie!!!!

Cool page!!! *smile* Sorry for taking so long to stop by...I love the changes you made...*smile*

Keep up the good work!!!! See ya in Maui.....

Peace, Darling

Name: Bugs
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Palmdale, CA
Time: 1997-02-25 20:58:00
Comments: Hey S'up Ralphie? howz it going? signing your guest book cause I gotz no life. hahahha! well, see ya around LATER!

Name: Erin Michelle Chase
Website: /\/\àttÿ §î£vèr's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: SP, WI
Time: 1997-02-25 14:01:00
Comments: sweetie, your counter doesn't work! :o( *L* but, i still love you!

Name: ~~~HONEYGIRL~~~
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Maui
Time: 1997-02-24 21:16:00
Comments: Think you are great! Keep on singing

Name: ~~~HONEY GIRL~~~
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Maui
Time: 1997-02-24 21:14:00
Comments: Ralphie, think you are cool. Love to hear you sing. Don't understand why you will talk to me, then not. Love ya anyway. Good luck with Matty. ***HUG***

Name: Maf
Website: don't know, it's not finished!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Virginia
Time: 1997-02-24 19:37:00
Comments: Hey page!!! Hope I see ya around in maui! you are a great guy! ;o)

Name: Nvsrntu
Website: Envious
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Philly.
Time: 1997-02-24 14:37:00
Comments: Good Job Ralphie

Name: Eve
Website: Eve's Castle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-02-24 14:31:00
Comments: Dan!..I love your page!!! *big smile*..keep up the really great work!!!

Name: ~*NATALIE*~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maryland
Time: 1997-02-24 14:11:00
Comments: HEY RALPH!!! *hugggiiiez* Whatz up!! ...Your a great guy!! See ya in maui!!! :)

Name: Death Dealer
Website: Death Dealer's pit
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1997-02-23 22:20:00
Comments: Hey page.....I wish you and matty the best of luck....Glenn :)

Name: ß®º°kìë™
Website: ddzhoneybee's Home Page *L*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Illinois
Time: 1997-02-23 21:51:00
Comments: Wow, Ralphie Poo! You have put some work in on this! Good job, hon! Well I really do enjoy chattin the nights away with you and your sweet Matty Silver! You guys are the cutest! *L* Keep up the great work and be lookin for me and DD! :-)

Name: Social Distortion (SD)
Website: Weasel's Manifesto
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Fillet O' Sole (Philadelphia)
Time: 1997-02-23 20:03:00
Comments: Hey Ralph, nice page. Talk to you soon.

Name: Cortney Kendall AKA Kendall
Website: Kendall's Kingdom
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Georgia
Time: 1997-02-22 21:45:00

Name: Erin Michelle Chase
Website: /\/\àttÿ §î£vèr's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sun Prairie, WI
Time: 1997-02-20 13:53:00
Comments: Hey sweetie...just thought i'd sign your g-book. damn hotmail isn't working :o( I Love You. talk to you soon...

Name: Ralph
Website: Dan's Bar & Grille
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Time: 1997-02-17 20:11:00
Comments: Hey all, finally got a guestbook! Testing it out now...hope you are enjoying my page...I love you Erin!

Total: 23 guests