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The Perky Platypus Webring Homepage

and welcome to the homepage of my Webring. I am the Ring Mistress Paulina, and here I will give you the criteria for joining my Webring.
I'm looking for creativity in short stories, poetry, and amateur art. I don't mind goofy, and I'm very big on whimsical. I'm looking for happy, interesting sites with lots of graphics, and fun things to see and do. Please, the site must be at least PG. Sites that are visually pleasing, well put together, and make you want to come back for more are my first choice. I want to encourage writers and artists just starting out and provide a forum for their work. Be as creative and happy as you like, just keep it clean.

Steps in joining the ring

You will need to add the ring fragment to your page.
Remember to put your site ID number, name, and email address where it indicates.
Take the platypus graphic & background (right click on, save, and upload it to your server) and make the right adjustments to the html for your image file.Do not link to my graphic, it's easy to copy it, unless you are unfamiliar with uploading. I didn't stop and think that not everyone can interpet HTML. sorry
In that case, there are links to the graphics within the code. But if you do know how to upload the graphics, please do. Thanks!
If you have any questions about the html or anything else, E-mail me. You have 7 days to get the html and graphic on your site. Then email me, and I will come look at your site to check the code and graphic and make the decision whether your site is okay for the ring.


~~Start copying here~~

<CENTER> <P><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=5 WIDTH=500 background=""> <TR><TH> <bgcolor="#000000" text="#ff18ff" link="#2400ff" vlink="#6293df" FONT Size=3> <a href=""><img src="" BORDER="0" align="left" WIDTH=125 HEIGHT=90></a> This <a href="">Perky Platypus Webring</a> site is owned by <BR> <a href="mailto:_YOUR_EMAIL_"><FONT SIZE="3">yourname</a>. <BR><BR> Want to join the <A HREF="">Perky Platypus Webring</A>? </TH></TR> <TR><TH> {<a href="" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">Prev</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">Next</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">Skip Next</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">Random</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">Next 5</a>} {<a href="" target="_top">List Sites</a>} </FONT> </TH></TR></TABLE> </CENTER> <p>

It should look like this on your page:

This Perky Platypus Webring site is owned by

Want to join the Perky Platypus Webring?
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Please fill out the form provided BELOW

Submit site
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Perky Platypus Webring made possible by
the Webring.

To make changes to your information once you are a member you can edit your site at the URL given in the email you'll get with your password and site ID#.
That's about it!

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Paulina .

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Any problems?

Email: Paulina