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Donkey Kong Country Codes

Code 1(BARRAL)- Go to "Erase Game" and press B, A, R, R, A, L; as in "BARRAL." You will receive 50 lives.

Code 2(BAD BUDDY)- Go to "Erase Game" and press B, A, Down, B, Up, Down, Down, Y, and A. Select a team game. Now, pressing Select will allow you to take control from your partner anytime (as long as you have both Donkey & Diddy).

Code 3- Die with Diddy. On the "Game Over" Screen, press Start. When Cranky appears, press Down, Y, Down, Down, Y. Now, you can try all of the Rambi, Enguarde, Expresso, & Winky Bonus Stages!

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