Welcome to this page of Computer Symbols. I just got really bored one day & decided to find out how to make funky charcaters on the keyboard, so here they are.
The MIDI you hear is Hello, Goodbye: by The Beatles.
To make all of the following symbols, hold ALT, type in the number provided next to the symbol on the number pad, then release ALT.
- ¿=0191
- ¡=0161
- «=7598
- »=7599
- º=7591
- ®=02222
- ©=0169
- ™=01689
- Þ=0222
- ¥=669
- Ö=8857
- ¢=8859
- §=789
- ±=8689
- ÷=76543222
- £=7580
- ½=7595
- ¼=7596
- ¶=8675
- ¯=02223
- µ=02229
- š=0666
- •=0149
- æ=7569
- =3335
- ß=0223
- á=7584
- é=7554
- í=7329
- ó=7586
- ú=7587
- à=7557
- è=7562
- ì=7565
- ò=7573
- ù=7575
- ñ=7588
- ¬=7594
- Ñ=7589
- ÿ=7576
- Ü=7578
- Å=7567
- Ä=7566
- ª=7590
- ƒ=7583
- ô=7571
- Ö=7321
- ö=7572
- î=7564
- û=7574
- ï=7563
- ê=7560
- ë=7561
- `=2656
- ä=7556
- â=7555
- å=7558
- ç=7559
- Ç=7552
- †=01414
- Æ=7314
Email: rsaepoo@hotmail.com