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Is the way you treat others really just

When you look at them in total disgust?

Stop looking on the outside, you're not being fair.

It's not the brand or style of clothes that we wear.

The importance is hidden way down deep within

Look and see who's really behind that silly little grin.

When you come around do they kiss their happiness goodbye?

As they hide behind their shattered shell trying not to cry.

Defensive on the outside, but don't you see they're hurt?

They are human beings, don't treat them like dirt!

Who has made you think you're better than the rest?

I hate to burst your bubble but you'll never be the best.

It takes a better person to stand out from the crowd.

And to stand up for what is right and not to be so proud.

Don't be deceived by appearances or you'll never find out.

Who those people are, or what they are about.

Lets break the cliques and start to explore

Each other as individuals, not as rich or poor.

If we go through life obsessed with what others say and do,

How will we show others the real me and you?

We need to grow up and finally see

The way this world was created to be.

Follow your heart and this problem will cease

And we'll live in a society of happiness and peace!!

Written by Sarah!!

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