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Artwork @ Slashqueen Internet Hub


On this site, pictures are considered artwork, and not illustrations, if a) they illustrate nothing that I've written or b) they do illustrate a story, but not one posted here.

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Colored pencil, darkened by Photoshop. Something random that I drew during my first semester away at college, around three in the morning while my roomate was either sleeping or whining about the light I had on. At the time, I was reading Wuthering Heights for a British Lit class, and I had this mild crush on Heathcliff. While I was drawing, all I wanted to do was create a realistic face from my imagination as opposed to a photograph, though I did end up using some as general guides. I didn't mean to draw Heathcliff's face, and yet as I gave the picture a final look, I realized that this is what had happened.

Painting. Part of an art class group assignment. Bright, happy colors, charismatic faces.

Colored pencil. Partially inspired by A.I. (Gigelo Joe's coat), though its main purpose is to illustrate the fashion sense of an alien civilization in one of my novels.

Inkwash. Also an art class assignment, this is of a female classmate sitting on the floor. My friend (not the classmate) has told me that the body is pretty accurate, but the face veers towards caricature. I do like inkwashes, though, those and watercolors. It's nice how light a touch you can pull off when you're working with something that's 90% water.

Black and White

Though not a particular fan of hers, I was bored so I freehanded this picture of her from the cover of the March 2002 issue of Vogue.

Though her face is narrower and more pinched than it should be, I'm posting this anyway because I'm rather pleased with how the lighting came out. Unlike most of the other characters I've created, at the moment, Clarkia exists soley as a drawing and has no part in any written stories.

Smallville's Lana Lang (Kristen Kreuk) done up as a Steak 'n Shake waitress. Note the bow tie and hair done up. It's what happens when a rabid Smallville fan takes on a summer job at Steak n' Shake. Originally conceived as part of a ladies' room sign so that customers would stop asking where the @#%! john was.

Smallville's Clark Kent (Tom Welling) done up as a Steak 'n Shake waiter. For the men's room.

Meet Wolf. Wolf has problems. He was born with no voice but the ability to communicate telepathically, and things just went downhill from there. Whether he's running from alien vampires or trying to avoid emasculation, it's just not his day... Not that you'd know it from this picture, of course.

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Copyright Slashqueen. If you don't know what that means, it means that if you take anything from this site and present it as your own original work, I will find out where you live and kick your ass. It's that simple.