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MY PARENTS ARE DRIVING ME NUTS!!!! I personally think that once a person over the age of 18 has left the home for more than 6 weeks they should never be allowed back again. It's just a bad idea. But unfortunately I am a poor college student so I can't afford rent. My crazy sister is moving back in with my parents for 4 months and she's MARRIED!! I give her two days before she goes insane. What? You ask what is driving me so nuts....I got a temporary know through a temp. agency. The DAY after I finish my last assignment my parents are asking me 500 zillion questions about when my next job will be. ARGHH!!!!!! I'm done now, enjoy the page :)
I've written my first opinion or something....I don't think it's horribly wonderful, but it will do. So enjoy and feel free to write me with any comments. So without further ado...If I Looked Like Catherine Zeta-Jones
Now I've done it.....the thing that I SWORE on my life I would not do. I've agreed to go out on a date with the guy I broke up with a month ago. And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that it is making me happy and for the first time in my life I am doing something not because it would get me somewhere (he and I don't have a chance in hell as far as a serious relationship goes) and am actually having fun while I can. Am I totally pathetic?? (for all those people who actually read my page, Thanks Alison :) )
Long time no update, Oh well. Thanks to Jason's brillant idea I will soon have a political rant page where I will post political opinions. I thought it only appropriate considering that I am a Political Science major. Soooooo, if you have a political rant that you want published....send it to me at the email addy listed below. If its well-written and thought-out I'll post it whether I agree with it or not.
My political rant page is up and running.

Again long time no update.....I have sooo much to say but no time right now....5 more days until I move into school and back to my ethernet connection....then...before the madness starts I plan on fixing my page.

As predicted the said relationship with previously mentioned guy ended...just as I thought it would...badly and messily and with lots of anger. thank god for good friends. Thanks Mike for keeping me from killing said obnoxious male.