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welcome to my page o' goats and chupracabras

goats are good chupracabras are bad!! first i will show pictures and then i will explain why goats are good!!

ok, i dont believe that cupracabras are real and this picture suports my idea notice how its cut in specific places! its just not belevable.

this next picture is even worse i mean it looks like its from a old horror movie its..... its....... i dont know what it is words excape me

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! its going to eat me!!! no not the big papermache chupracabra!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


this doesnt look real at all.. but it does look realy cool!

ok this one is a real animal.. i'am not sure what kinda animal and its not the best looking thing... and its bout i just let you look at it for yourself?

ok these next three are kinda nasty and i'am not sure what they are but some beleive them to be the mighty goat sucker.

goats are good, i'am goat, one of my friends is a goat, they eat shoes..(left ones only) among other things.siskel is telepathicaly controlled by goats. so what he likes goats like. i will add to this later but for now i'am done

do you know what the back button is for... this will do the same thing!
