Shistavanens are a wolf-like race native to the forest world Uvena III. Famed for for their abilities at hunting and tracking, they are dangerous foes. On their home world, they form pack-like societies, although "lone-wolfs" are not unknown.
Personality: Irritable, superstitious
Physical Description: 1.5 to 2 meters tall. Wolf-like features, covered in fur (usually dark brown to black), legs with back-bend like a wolf or dog.
Shistavanen Homeworld: Uvena III
Language: Shistavanen
Example Names: Lakk Sivrak, Rav Einn, Riv Shiel
Adventurers: Because of their natural abilities with hunting and tracking, Shistavanens were often conscripted into imperial service. Due to the Imperial sentiment toward non-humans, Shistavanens were often treated little better than their less evolves canine relatives. Many Shistavanens decided not to return to Uvena III after the fall of the Empire, deciding instead to wander the galaxy as smugglers, fighter pilots, bounty hunters, and bodyguards.