They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes, Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius, the other's insane
They're laboratory mice
Their genes have been spliced
They're dinky
They're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
Before each night is done
Their plan will be unfurled
By the dawning of the sun
They'll take over the world
They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes, Pinky and the Brain
Their twilight campaign
Is easy to explain
To prove their mousey worth
They'll overthrow the Earth
They're dinky.
They're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain,
(Sorry, I had to use the whole theme song, just couldn't resist)
The Brain
Scoundrel 1
Init +0
Def 18 (+4 class, +4 size)
Spd 2m
Vp/Wp 6/11
Atk +4 (1d1-1 mouse-sized fist)
SV F +0, R +2, W +2
SZ Diminuitive
Rep 0
Str 1
Dex 10
Con 11
Int 18
Wis 12
Cha 10.
Feats/SQ: WGP-blasters, WGP-simple, illicit barter, Gearhead, speak/read/write basic
Skills: Computer Use 4 ranks Craft (complex device for world domination attempt) 4 ranks Disable Device 4 ranks Disguise 4 ranks Escape Artist 4 ranks Gather Information 4 ranks Hide 4 ranks Knowledge (Chemistry) 4 ranks Knowledge (Physics) 4 ranks Knowledge (World Domination Attempts) 4 ranks Move Silently 4 ranks Profession (lab mouse) 2 ranks Repair 2 ranks
Commoner 1
Init +2 (Dex)
Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 size)
Spd 2m
Vp/Wp -/10
Atk +4 (1d1-1 mouse-sized fist)
SQ Idiot's intuition
SV F +0, R +2, W -3
SZ Diminuitive
Rep 0
Str 1
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 3
Wis 4
Cha 15
Feats/SQ: WGP-simple, speak basic, Idiot's intuition (once per adventure, the GM may offer Pinky some great insite that could prevent the failure of the mission or a large amount of damage--if anyone ever took Pinky seriously)
Skills: Profession (lab mouse) 4 ranks