T-BONE and I selected our next KILL! KILL! KILLERS OF THE MONTH. CHECK 'EM OUT ----------------------------------->
Also always make sure and stop by the SHOWS page to find out what's happenin' in C-town! Stay Sick & Stay Tuned!
- Mikey the Thumb
10/28/07 - US invasion of Powersolo (feat. Kim Kix from Godless Wicked Creeps)! They created their own genre of music called Donkey Punk. It’s a combination of rockabilly, country, blues, and surf mixed with punk rock.
The boys are about to embark on a West Coast tour with Heavy Trash (feat. Jon Spencer). Powersolo actually plays back-up for Heavy Trash with lap-steel guitar and upright bass.
Powersolo’s latest album, “It’s Raceday… And Your Pussy Is GUT!!” has just been released in the US and has been picking up steam.
For more info check out:
- 6th: Pioneertown, CA Pappy and Harriet's
- 7th: Phoenix, AZ - Rhythm Room
- 8th: Tucson, AZ - Club Congress / Plush
- 9th: San Diego, CA - Casbah
- 10th: Los Angeles, CA - Echo
- 11th: Santa Barbara, CA - SOHO Music Club
- 13th: Santa Cruz, CA - Moe's Alley
- 14th San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
- 16th: Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge/Dante’s
- 17th: Seattle, WA - Crocodile Cafe
- 18th: Vancouver, BC - Lamplighter
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Click here to catch up on old news!
Keep on the lookout for Bloodshot Record's latest offering to the hillbilly musical canon, Cockadoodledon't, from Nashville's renegade blues-grass rockers TH' LEGENDARY SHACK*SHAKERS! Destined to become a modern Appalachian sensation, Cockadoodledon't drags you kickin' and hollerin' from your peaceful suburban slumber out to a worn 'ol woodshed in the hills where there's 2 types of moonshine jugs, one for drinkin' and one for musical accompaniment!
"Colonel" J.D. Wilkes (vox), JoeBuck (lead guitar), Pauly Simmonz (drums) and Mark "The Duke" Roberston (doghouse bass) comprise this hot new outfit who put their show on the road only a year ago - Cockadoodledon't is their debut effort! Although each of the fellas has a particular instrument they take primary responsibility for, each also make contributions on a handful of other country-fied noise-makers to really give this band an authentic sound. Let's just put it this way, if you've ever been listening to a favorite album and found yourself thinkin' "Hmmm...needs more Jew's harp", then this is the record for you!
From down home blues numbers (e.g., 'Hunkerdown', 'Bullfrog Blues' and 'Shake Your Hips') to straight-up 'grass stompers (e.g., 'Clodhopper' and 'Blood on the Bluegrass') and sped up country rockers (e.g., 'Pinetree Boogie' and 'Hoptown Jailbreak'), Cockadoodledon't has everything you need to get your next backwoods ball boppin'. And if that ain't enough, a real standout is 'Help Me From My Brain', a fevered plea from a demented hick at the end of his rope howled over a drivin' beat! So what are you waitin' for Hoss? Pick up your copy today!
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Click here to check out the past Kill! Kill! Killers of the Month!