Diary of the Connerys' shows


****01.08.99, (fri) the Connerys & the 62nd quickies
the Hoi, Mishawaka
this was our first show in like two years, also was the first show with Weaver and Mark, we played abuncha cheezy covers

****01.22.99, (fri) the Connerys, Walker Texas Punkband, & The NINJAS
the Hoi, Mishawaka
this was our first REAL show with Mark and Weaver...it was all last minute, but was a really fun time. This show helped pay for the Ninjas CD (coming soon, I hope)

****01.30.99, (sat) ARA Benefit - the Connerys, da 62nd quickies, the Ninjas, Angry Noise, and the Urinal Mints
Crumstown Conservation Club, Crumstown, IN
man was this show ever a disaster!!! Fights, cops, drunk rednecks, a broken table, and some stolen toilet seats?!?! Unfortunately, the NINJAS didn't get to play, and probably even more unfortunately, Angry Noise did. We raise some money for South Bend ARA, though, and the crowd was pretty rad (well, the Plinko crowd and Kat and Tara). We butchered, of all songs, Guestlist at the last minute - special for Sean.

****02.12.99, Hoi Polloi's first 1999 Battle Of the Bands
the Connerys, Flipsyde, da 62nd quickies, the Antics, the Destructives, Undertaker and his Pals, and some more...
we finished fourth (out of ten), and let a bunch of bands use our equipment...it was fun, we liked playin with the Antics, and Flipsyde

****02.19.99, the Connerys with Logan's Loss
The Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka...
this show was great!!! the guys from the Loss are awesome, and as always, the quickies were exquisite

****03.05.99, (fri) the Connerys have just been added to a 5-band show in Valpo...
we schlepped Josh into his car with a 102 degree fever, then drove 2 hours through a sleet storm to play at a dinky little coffee house in Valparaiso
it was a blast!!! we loved it...We can't wait to go back

****03.12.99, (fri) the Connerys with The Destructives, and two other bands
The Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
turns out there was only one other band with us and the Destructives - Phsychotis (or something) - they played some Marilyn Manson covers and then the gothers got down to us...it was a really bitchin way to release our first Plinko demo

****03.26.99, (fri) the Connerys are playing at the Adams HS Battle of the Bands at Adams HS, 7pm
This could have gone better, at this "show" we learned a very valuable lesson - never play after the paramedics leave

****04.10.99, (sat) the Connerys with Horace Pinker(chicago), Just For Kicks(grand rapids), and the Pruple Gang(detroit)
Grand Rapids, MI
We love Grand Rapids!!! Horace Pinker are some great guys...Just for Kicks and the Purple Gang were good too.

****04.16.99, (fri) the Connerys opening for Johnny Socko! at the Hoi
Playing at the Hoi is always a good - well, it's always something, and out of the three times I've seen Socko!, this was their best show

****05.14.99, (fri) the Connerys w/ da 62nd quickies & the Black Market Pop-Tarts
The Hoi
This was our last show before a not-so-well-deserved vacation...it went off pretty great, and kudos to the Pop-Tarts on an exquisite performance. Thom! and the guys ripped up some great ska and the Quickies were fun as always. Can't wait to play with these gangs again!!!

****07.02.99, (fri) the Connerys w/ Arsenic & That Guy
Sunset Hall, Ft Wayne
after our brief vacation, we got a surprise gig from Eddie Migraine, and things went fairly OK. Small crowd, but this had to be the hugest stage we'd ever been on!!! Mark broke two snare drums, and we cut our set way short, but other than that...

****07.03.99, (sat) the Connerys w/ Just Another Band & the Alter-Boys
the Hoi
this was another surprise show, and after subtracting the bands, there were about 25 people there to see us warm up for the summer. JAB was great as always, and the Alter-Boys (featuring ex-members of Penny Beer) were awesome, watch out for them

****07.09.99, (fri) the Connerys w/ Kujak Jones & Chronic Chaos
The Hoi
this show was possibly our last at the Hoi, and was our first show with longtime friends Chronic Chaos and even longer time friends Kujak Jones. It was great, and nobody was let down...
so, if this was our farewell to Hoi Polloi, it was a good one!

****07.16.99, (fri) the Connerys at some private party on the wizzit-est side of South Bend w/ a one time reunion of the original Just Another Band line-up featuring members of the Connerys, JAB, and Undertaker and His Pals
we had to cancel out on this show, unfortunately, but Mark went to the party anyway, and crashed his bike on the way home and got some really cool gashes across the side of his face!!! GNARLY!!!

****07.19.99, (mon) the Connerys w/ TBA in Bloomington, IN welcome to B-town boyo
This show was in this really great punk-house basement, with the Flesh-Eating Creeps from Richmond (AWESOME HARDCORE!) and this really cool emo-esque band from bloomington that I can't remember their name, and they're probably gonna read this and hate us - but it was a blast

****07.28.99 the Connerys w/ Oppressed Logic
at the Concert Cafe up in the frozen tundra of Green Bay.
Weaver's car almost caught on fire, and we couldn't make it to this show, we were all looking forward to playin in the land of little kids in green football jerseys with big styrofoam cheese wedges on their heads. We'll eventually get back there though, we hope!

****07.30.99 the Connerys w/ the 62nd quickies
Corby's Domer Bar, South Bend
This was a pretty good show, we only played for about 1/2 hour before Josh almost died from heat stroke...It was the 3rd hottest day in the history of heat indexes here. I guess that's where you take the temp and add the humidity or something, but temperature on stage was like 400 degrees!

****08.07.99 the Connerys w/ shitloads of bands
Bloomington, IN
This was pretty cool, Spitface 30 was the headliners of our half of the show, and we met some really cool guys from Valpo
Kudos to superbryce for hookin us up again

****09.10.99 the Connerys w/ the Alter Boys (SBN punks) and Flipsyde (SBN rip-hoppers)
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
Oh, wow! Josh sucks! He was like a half hour late, then broke a bunch of guitar strings and did the last 2 songs of the set as a really bad and really funny lookin Rollins clone...what a dork!!!

****10.15.99 the Connerys w/ Chronic Chaos, Levi's Mom (Mark's side band), & the Serbs (formerly the Alter Boys & Hot Carl)
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
Great show! It's always cool to play with the Chaos guys...the Serbs added Pat from Kujak Jones for this show, and Levi's Mom was great in their real debut... if you get the chance, check out these two young bands...

****10.30.99 the Connerys w/ Rearview (from Valpo), and ATM and Last Man Out (Chi punx)
Nite Owl Cafe, Valparaiso
Well, the weather was better for the trip down this time, but we weren't!!! The Ninjas had most of our equipment (which is mostly really theirs) at a Halloween party, so we borrowed some. We played a rough set but we had fun, and it was a blast!!!

****11.17.99 w/the Ninjas & Couldn't Care Less
Extreamz Bar, South Bendnot very many people, but cool show with some great friends. Weaver ran into a big yellow pole with a 62nd Quickies sticker on it!!! FUCKIN AWESOME!!!

****11.19.99 w/ Chronic Chaos
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
Good Pokemon Fun!!! As always, the Chronic guys were cool, we went back to Weaver's afterwards and partied til...well, for a long time...

****12.06.99 w/ Duncan(formerly the Serbs), the 62nd Quickies, & the Ninjas
"Shit Like A Champion Today II: the Revenge of Old Bob" CD release party, Orbit Music, Mishawaka
Every band played about 20 minutes, and we got some awesome footage of everybody...get a hold of us if you want copies!!!

****12.10.99 w/ Duncan, and the return of Kujak Jones
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
Just like the myth, Kujak Jones the band returns from the dead!!! Pat (guitars & vocs in both bands) put together a great show, and we had a blast!!! This was a really bitchin way to start off Christmas break. Kudos to the Kujak guys for toughin out some hard times...


****01.18.2k w/ nobody's heroes and friction (MI HC punx)
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
This was a pretty good show with some pretty good bands...look for the Connerys to hook up again with these guys later!!! This was the first show that Josh got to playout with his new guitar, and he passed on the buttrock curse to Weaver...

****02.14.2k w/ local punk godz Couldn't Care Less!!!
Hoi Polloi, Mishawaka
WE LOVE THESE GUYS!!!!! Everytime we play with guys we like, the weather sucks and nobody shows up, and we have a fuckin blast!!! Look for many more pairings with the Connerys and the CCL guys...

****03.10.2k w/ the awesome hardcore kids known as All Torn Down, and surprise guests Chronic Chaos
the Famous Dehon Center, Donaldson, IN
awesome stage!!! great room, people were skating, and it was fun, we'll be back there on April Fool's Day...big sympahty's to the Durge bass guy...we'll see you St Patrick's Day!

****03.11.2k w/ Clark, the coolest emo-esque project in northern IN!
RJ's Higher Grounds, downtown SBN
the first of many great poonk shoos at the cooffee shoop! If you have the opportunity to check out Clark, take it, they're fucking great!

****03.17.2k w/ durge
CD release!!! at the Hoi
well, Durge never actually showed, and nobody knows what happened to them, we hope that they didn't die or anything? The CD's also didn't get done in time, so we just had like 3 to toss out to the crowd. We played two full sets, and overall we had a blast!
If anybody knows what happened to Durge, let us know...

****04.01.2k April Fool's Day w/ the Lawn Balls and Levi's Mom
the Famous Dehon Center
wow, again, really cool place, but nobody showed up. There were about 25 people there, and 9 of them were in the bands...
This would be a cool place to have shows if people would actually go to them. If anybody has any ideas on how to get people out there, let the Dehon people know!

****04.09.2k w/ The Free Refills and Cheapshot
The Coffee Lounge, Palos Heights, IL
This was a great show for our Chicagoland debut, and other than the crappy Hardee's food on the way home, everything went pretty much as close to perfect as it could have gotten!!! Look for more hook-ups and a mini-tour with us and the Free Refills this summer...

****04.22.2k w/ The Ninjas & The Rod Farrell Project
RJ's Higher Grounds, downtown, SBN
Things started off bad for us, none of the guitars would stay in tune and stuff, but then...things went haywire!!!
The show turned out to be a fucking awesome party down with some really good friends! Watch out next week when those masked punk rock assassins hook up with us again to close the place down!!!

****04.29.2k w/ the Ninjas, da 62nd Quickies
Wolfman's Got Nards, Space & Noise Productions & All Torn Down
RJ's Higher Grounds, SBN
Well, this was some irony, cause it was was s'post to be the last show at RJ's, cause nobody had found a buyer.
Turned out, that it was the last Ninjas show, and that right before the show, the Connerys (ya know, us?) we decided to call it quits. Show instead of joining the Connerys and the Ninjas to close down RJ's...RJ's joined with a bunch of other bands to close down us and the Ninjas...
We still got 2 more shows

****05.19.2k w/ The Free Refills &
This really cool emo band that I can't remember their name and some other guys that we didn't really get to meet
Nisa's Cafe, Oak Lawn?...I can't remember which suburb, but yeah, it was right outside of Chicago proper
This show was kind of a let down after the last time we were in Chicago. The planning was bad, but the venue was great, and its always a treat hangin out with those crazy Refill guys...NERDZ RULE!!!

****06.17.2k w/ ATTW & Apppealing Idiots
RJ's Higher Grounds, SBN
As far as last shows go, I've been to better. I've seen better. But I've never had as much fun as this. The show went off without a hitch, and everbody sounded great. Garth, Veronica, Neal, Mikey, the lovely Yagi, All Torn Down, and a whole bunch more of our friends were there. Thanks a lot for an awesome 19 months!!!!

This concludes the "diary" entries as there will be no more Connerys Shows as there are no more Connerys...

Love and Kudos to all of you who have helped us out along the way!!!
