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The Occult Border

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I think the most nifty thing about the arts is that you can really control what you do in life. I mean that if you want to change something that is really bothering you in some area you can change it by simply closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths until your mind is a blank. Then you envision the problem you want to change then rework that area into the new situation. It is a very powerful technique for change.

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You may not use anything in my page without my prior permission. All this content is mine and the following web pages belong to their respective owners. Please respect everyones property.

I am always changing this.

Use the following links to find what you are looking for:

Minor Arcania Book of Shadows
Freaky Friday (occult related)
The Witching Hours
The NECRONOMICON. The complete book
The dark lair of Infinete Evil
Abaxion: `The complete homestudy course in witchcraft'
I know it seems a bit intruder here, but, I had to give this one for Christians. The Holy Bible. In all its many different forms
The Witches Brew
Spells and Magick
James F. Boyle : Master Magician. Spells for any occasion.
Illumination without light: DARKNESS.COM
Everlasting Love: Love Spells. A pay to use site, but interesting.
Fairy Magic >> A teen magickal web site
OCCULT100: A learning web site
Complete index of Chaos Magick files
Church Of
Dark side of the net: THE OCCULT
The Voodoo Doll. Torture as you see fit.
Make a curse and then send it to anyone that you dislike.
Your going to Hell.
Online Ouija Board
A great set of online witchboards links
