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Shelby, Jewel, George, Munky and Filbert!

Shelby showed up with Shaun one day after work. She was wearing a cute little blue collar with a bow and a little charm on it. The charm was heart shaped and had a tiny little inscription, "Will you marry me?"! She also had an engagement ring around the collar. We still call her our little "engagement kitty" sometimes. She is one of the most affectionate cats we have. She loves to get in bed with me, under the covers, and snuggle and "groom" my arms. She is such a sweetie.

Jewell was Shaun's cat before we met, and she is sister to George (below). They were both adopted from the Humane Society of the Ohio Valley in Marietta. She is affectionately called Jew Jew, Jew Jew Bear, or Bear. She is a roley-poley tub of a cat, but a big sweetheart. She's very lazy and sleeps most of the day, but once in a while she gets a little excited and wants to play.


George is a sister to Jewell (above). He is a goofy cat, and scared of everything. He's a talker too, and lets you know when he wants attention. When he does, he can be a bit obnoxious about it. We still love him though!


Faith (aka Munky)
I was at work one day when one of the Maintenance workers brought in a baby kitten. We estimated that she was about 4-5 days old because she didn't even have her eyes open. Apparently the mother had a litter of 3 on the college campus somewhere, and when too many people started coming around, she began to move them. It had been a while since she had taken the second kitten and they didn't think mom was coming back for this one. I immediately volunteer to take her home and raise her. It was rough for a while, getting up in the middle of the night to feed her every 2-4 hours, but it was well worth it. We named her Faith because it took a lot of it to keep her alive. When she began to climb and play she aquired the nickname "Munky" and now that's pretty much what we call her. She is a sweety, and I don't regret the struggle at all.


As if we needed anymore cats! We went to set off fireworks on the 4th of July (2002) and someone had this litter of kittens to give away. Well we brought home two adorable little boys. Recently, we had to give Bailey away to a new home (he did not like the arrival of our baby!), but we still have Filbert and he is a wonderful boy. He picks on the girls sometimes but other than that he's a pretty good kitty!

In memory of Tigger and Sable...
Tigger was Shaun's dad's cat and when he passed away we brought Tigger home with us. He was 17 years old then, and lived here almost a year before his kidney failure got the best of him. We made the humane decision to euthanize him on March 4, 2003. Shaun had had him since he was a kitten, and I had only known him for a couple of years, but in that short time he had become one of my "children" just like the rest of the pets. He is greatly missed, but will always hold a special spot in our hearts :)

Sable was one of Shaun's cats before we met. She was very affectionate and always in our laps when we would sit down. Apparently she used to be a little on the evil side, but she had calmed down a lot since I had been in her life. On October 20, 2004 she became very lethargic and ill. We took her to the vet and she stayed overnight. The vet ran tests and took xrays and found out that her stomach lining was abnormally thick (about 2 inches thick, compared to the 1/8 inch it should have been). She suspected cancer but couldn't do any further testing or surgery until Sable was feeling better. The vet wasn't even sure she would get to that point again. We decided to end her suffering and euthanize her on October 21, 2004. Sable was only about 7 years old and we never expected to loose her so soon. We still really miss her, and think about her all the time. She will be in our hearts forever.


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This page created and maintained by Jillian Hansen. Comments, questions, or suggestions, please e-mail
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