N Sync On Clueless: Ugh, As IF!!

Ok, for those of you who didn't see N Sync on Clueless, I suggest that you get yourself a tape of it, because it was truly hilarious.

To begin...they all run outside to see who the band is...and they see two "roadies" in black hooded sweatshirts. The "roadies" are really JC and Justin.

Jc begins by saying some crap about "When the band gets out here, be sure to make some noise and let them know you're out there." Meanwhile Justin is "fluffing" the curtains. For some odd reason...only God knows why. Anyhow...then JC and Justy start busting out the dance moves to Tearin Up My Heart. (Could they perform that song ANY more?! It is getting on my nerves here people!!)

Then Shawn says "Man those roadies sure are getting busy!!" Yeah...you can't tell they are JC and Justin at all. JC's schnozz is practically hitting the camera, and Justin's afro is making the hood on his sweatshirt stick up further than the Sear's Tower. I would mistake them as roadies too!! Lol

Murray then says..."Those aren't roadies...that's..." How many black men that you know would recognize N Sync? Haha, although I make fun of Shawn for not knowing who they are, it's hilarious that Murray supposedly does!! Sorry...I know it is a contradiction on my part..but hey, what can I say?

Cher finishes Murray's sentence by screaming N SYNC!! In her annoying Valley Girl voice no less. They all start dancing...N Sync and the other party goers. Lance is wearing brown crushed velvet. LOL!!! Why? I do not know. Joey and even Chris don't look half bad. Justin and JC look fine as usual. And thank god, JC is not wearing a beret. =)

During the song, several funny things happen with members of the cast. Dionne's boobs get seranaded by Justy...since that is what he looks at the entire time. And you thought Joey was the pimp daddy? Wrong again my friends. Joey's eyes didn't wander...unlike poor Timberturds. Also, Amber and Shawn attempt to body surf through the crowd. Too bad Amber falls on her head. I was so sad.

After the performance, Amber pretends to lose her keys. Lance says..."Amber, we have looked everywhere for your car keys, and we can't find them anywhere." (or something to that effect). She is all, "Well, I guess I will just have to catch a ride with you guys then."

NEXT, prepare for the shocker of the CENTURY!! Justin can talk NORMALLY!!! ROTFL! He says, "Oh, no...we can just call you a cab." (No ghetto slang, and nice enunciation by our ghetto superstar Justin. That's my boy!) She says that that level of B.O makes her faint. Then she asks if they have ever considered a girl in the group...mentioning that she once sang with MENUDO. Justin gives her a strange look (HILARIOUS!), and JC goes, "A GIRL!?!?!" and after receiving a glare from Amber...says, "Was that my beeper?" (Where he so obviously lifts up his shirt...too bad JC fans, he had a wifebeater on. No skin tonight!)

After Amber walks away with JC, Justin, and Lancey...Joey and Chris talk to Cher. Chris has a few lines...yadda, yadda, yadda. Joey asks if Amber is stable... I don't know why. (Maybe he wants to get on her, and needs to make sure that she is ok mentally...who the hell knows.) Then they walk away...and that is all that they appear on Clueless.

As the show continues, Amber gets a broken nose from a roadie slamming a door in her face. She also gets slapped with a restraining order...similar to the one the boys should consider slapping on Justina. (Whoops..did I just say that out loud? My bad!! Lol)

Thrust Me OUTTA Here