*N Sync's Fab 5 Spring Break Videos

First Impressions:

Chris...nice sunglasses. When are you gonna learn that you NEED fashion help, and BADLY?!?!

JC, would you just EAT already? You look like an anorexic drug addict. A "tweaker" if you will. (That was for Beth and Stephanie...sorry Val)

What is wrong with this picture? Um...I got it!! Justin actually has a shirt on...and not a wifebeater. Shocking!!!

Lance actually looks decent!! Which is really, really hard for me to say. You realize this don't you?

Joey...no comment. He just looks like Joey. Not good, not bad. Nothing really to say bout that.

The Videos:

"In honor of little Miss Britney"...he picked Baby One More Time. Why may I ask, does Justy feel the need to HONOR her anyhow? I sure as hell don't. Also, she is anything but little...so he better think about what he is saying! And actually what I think he should have said is, "Because, along with the rest of sane America, I would enjoy hitting Britney a few more times. So, this is for her...the skanky hoe!"

Justin asks Chris for a story he knows about the video. Chris just says, "Britney looks really cute in that little school girl's outfit." Chris...maybe because you are old and senile you didn't hear the question. Justin didn't ask what you think of her outfit, he asked about the story from the VIDEO!! No one wants to hear how you like her slutty little outfit that gives Catholic boys boners for 3 days. OK?!?!

Justin replies by saying, "Aren't we kinky today?" then he grins. Actually I would have loved for Chris to say, "you think THAT is kinky...well, you should have seen me and ole Britney LAST night!! That comment was tame compared to the kinky (not to mention illegal) shenanagins we had going on!!" Justin would crap his pants. Haha...I would love to see his face if Chris would've said that.

"She is so sexy in that uniform"--Lance, while JC is putting his hands on his cheeks like...OH GOD, I can't believe he just said that!! Lancey, Lancey, you know you really shouldn't joke about things like that. The next thing you know, Topanga will show up at your door scantily clad in a school girls uniform...so don't you come running to my house SCREAMING your head off when she does!

After the BrAtney video, Joey says, "That was Justin's pick." Then it shows Justin hold his hand up like, "what can I say?" Ugh, Justin, you make me sick. Why on earth did you have to pick that video? You would think that he would pick Foxy Brown before BrAtney. Seeing how he likes rap and hip hop.

JC says that Britney equals good dancers. Um....NO!!!!!!

When Chris starts talking, JC looks back at the girls, and I want to know...just WHAT is he staring at?

They say that Joey is the fly white guy of N Sync. Actually guys, I think it is Justin. Let's see...yeah, it's definitely Justin.

Annoying phrases that JC used freely:

Right on!! Um...this is the 90's...and that term was used in the 60's or something. Get with it. I know you want to be all HIP and the rest of that, but it's just not working for ya hon.

Cats... Why on earth is he calling those people CATS? So annoying!!!! I just wanted to smack him!

Summa Love Yeah, say it like that JC...Summa. And then you sound like even more of an ass than you already do. I am sorry, but that boy is just getting on my last nerve.

The Countdown Continues:

Lance asks some (hot) guy what his video pick would be. The guy says, "Backstreets Back by the Backstreet Boys." Lance laughs and says, "Of course!" Ahhh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. Funniest thing I have ever heard. That guy is the coolest!

"Joey, tell em where we were last night!"--Justin. "Daddy-O's and Coco Bongos. Places were packed, women were hot, it was unbelievable."--Joey. Joey's paradise: Bars packed with hot (drunk) women. I can see it now.

"It was fun, were any of you guys there last night? I think I saw some of these faces there last night." Yeah right Justin, we all know THAT'S a big fat lie. You could have been dancing on the bar with the girl next to you and you wouldn't remember it. Don't fool yourselves girls...he was trashed beyond belief. It's practically a requirement.

"Come to Cancun and just party your butts off! Wooooo!!"--Chris I couldn't have said it better myself. Go Chris!!

"Kick it!! Kick it ya'll!! For some reason, that is just the cutest thing in my opinion. He did it during TGIF too, and I just absolutely love it...and don't know why.

"I have one of those old Spring Break romances still callin me. I wish she would stop."--Chris That boy cracks me up. He is such a nut...but comes up with the funniest things. I love it.

"..we'll see some skin from our spring breakers..." --Lance. "YEAH BABY!!"--Justin. Down boy...don't get too excited there.

"I sure wouldn't get up there and strut my stuff"--Lance. "I don't think I would either."--Justin. Can I get a...big fat YEAH RIGHT?!? We all have seen Justin's stripper wannabe ways. He would take it all off in a minute. No question.

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