MTV's Spring Break: Fashionably Loud

First Impressions:

Lance was actually looking good...and TAN! I guess he isn't the Mississippi albino anymore.

Justin was starting to look tan, DAMN that boy has some skinny legs, and hairy too! Also, wasn't his hair day glo like 3 weeks ago? Now it's not. Strange....

JC is wearing PINK!! Ew.

Chris...nice VISOR and weave. Get rid of them both.

Joey actually looked good, and I think yellow is his color.

Models: Can't dance...nuff said.

The Performance:

First off they sang the song "I Want You Back". No comment really...besides the fact that the song is getting old!!

"How ya'll doin tonight?"--Justin. Well, besides the massive hangover that I have, I am doing lovely. matter how hungover I happen to be, I am obviously not drunk like you...because I can see that it is the middle of the damn day. AND NOT THE NIGHT!!! So you really can't ya'll doin TONIGHT!"

"Very nice"--Justin after the crowd sings. Now I KNOW that boy is looking at the models while saying that, cuz the crowd barely sang...but oh well.

"The new single is gonna DROP in the summer, and the new album is gonna DROP in the fall?"--JC Well, excuse me while I DROP kick your ass for saying that STUPID sentence. What are you smoking? Crack/caffiene again?

Then they are gonna "sing something from the album", and I expect to hear a NEW song. Instead I hear "I Drive Myself Crazy". Sheesh, get me all excited about nothin. Me and the rest of America.

During the part "you gotta do what you what ya like" did you notice Lance and Joey laying on the floor? All I have to say is WHY!?!?!?!?!

Justin runs up behind some chick and starts GRINDING with her during TUMH. Just look at his face. Hahaha...pure comedy. Also the fact that knowing how *ahem* HAPPY ole Justy tends to get...I tried to see if the little soldier was saluting, but oddly enough it wasn't. Oh well.


98* looks damn good!!?!? What muscles?!

I seriously like them more and more every time I see them. So they can't dance as well as N Sync, but I think they are cuties anyhow.

What I thought was rude was when Niki Taylor doesn't thank 98*, she just introduces N Sync again. Wasup wit dat? Lol.

Final Thought:

Niki Taylor thanks everyone for coming..."hangovers and all". Just who is she talking about? N Sync hungover? 98* hungover? Hahah, now THAT would be funny!

Thrust Me Baby