*N Sync...According to Freud

This was written by Jamie...a friend of mine. She is so cool for helping me out...and this is very creative!! My props to her! =)

For those of you who don't know, Freud was a psychologist back in the day. He basically believed that people's personalities were determined by how they passed through early psychosexual stages. So with that said, the behavior of 'N Sync is very understandable. (Side note: I'm a college freshman in Intro to Psych so you really will have to excuse me).

Basically, there are three or four stages kids pass through. If they don't pass through a stage correctly, they will be a twisted adult.

Stage 1: During the oral stage, babies gain sensual gratification through the mouth. It's obvious that Joey didn't get through this stage correctly because he is now prone to excessive eating, one of the signs of not navigating this stage. Kowing this, we shouldn't make of Joey for those few extra pounds. It's not his fault. Yeah, right!

Stage 2: During the anal stage, toddlers must be potty trained with tender loving care. If they're not, then they turn into JC - compulsively neat and precise. Hey, he's said it himself that he has to make sure everything runs smoothly. He truly is anal!

Stage 3: During the phallic stage (3-6 years old) babies fall out of love with the parent of the opposite sex and begin to identify with the parent of the same sex. If they don't, then they fall into inappropriate sex roles as adults. *Ahem* Lance. That explains the perfect eyebrows and makeup. It also makes sense cuz he's from Mississippi where being in love with a relative is quite common.

Stage 4: During the latent stage, sexuality is put in hold. I guess Chris is still stuck in this phase.

I haven't figured out what's wrong with Justin according to Freud, but I will. Just give me time. And as for the rest of the guys, hey it's not their fault. Blame it on their parents. But at least their behavior can be explained.

3/27/99** After chatting with Colleen (a friend of mine that I talk to on AIM), she mentioned that Justin does have something wrong with him according to Freud. Lol...yes, you heard right...Justin "I think I'm Perfect" Timberlake has something wrong with him.

Justin fits perfectly in the Phallic stage. No...he is unlike Lance in the way Jamie described. Justin has the classic Oedipus complex. Hence the close relationship he has with his MOMMY!!!

Just Thrust Me Baby