I Drive Myself Crazy....Laughing the Way That I Do...

Ok...here is the long awaited IDMC review...sorta. I have watched it numerous times, and I always miss something because I have fallen off the bed laughing. But here goes...

Ok, first it says "Dr. Kravitz"...meaning LENNY?!? Also...could that doctor lady be showing any MORE cleavage...sheesh!

Ok, what was the significance of them breathing on the glass? Just wondering, cause frankly it started scaring me after awhile.

Chris' girlfriend person had a huge bubble butt!! Then I just loved his hair when he was sitting in a straight jacket on the bed. Very interesting.

The next boy to get broken up with was poor Justin. But notice that the situation being played out DOESN'T go with the lyrics!! I thought that was interesting.

When it shows Justin sitting in the cafeteria the first time, he looks like he's PREGNANT!! I hate it, because it scares me!

Nice bunny ears on that big black guy...isn't he a bodyguard? Just wondering...

Also, watch behind Justin the second time he is in the cafeteria...some guy in a plaid bathrobe is riding Joey (as Superman of course). PURE COMEDY!!

JC doing pirouettes....too FUNNY!! I never knew he could do ballet!

I absolutely love JC's pajama things...nice elephants! Then we have him jumping up and down..shaking the television.

On the actual TV though...I absolutely lost it when he jumps on that guy!! He just sorta STRADDLED him, and I about spit my pop out at the televison. (Which would have been really bad.)

Then we have Lancey sitting there with the flower petals. I just love his face! He looks like he is truly crazy.

Jc in the straight jacket on that stretcher has to be a classic though. Who knew that they would have to tie him down. Actually he looks like he is still trying to "dance" (if that is what he calls that stuff he does on stage) spastically.

Joey hitting himself with a fly swatter...could it get any MORE funny? Oh wait...it just did. When Joey starts "flying" around the office, and that face he makes!! Then, it looks as though the doctor tries to get a piece of ole Superman, but he freaks out and runs out of the room. Now THAT must have taken some willpower and good acting skills on his part. (We all know Joey wouldn't leave!!)

Also...although I have no idea what part this is in...SOMEONE is singing to a SHOE!! I think it is either Chris or Lance. I don't know...but it is absolutely hilarious!

Then we got the ending...when the girls are actually going into the mental hospital. Truthfully...that makes more sense with the song...yet it doesn't. I don't know...the lyrics just don't match it. The driving myself crazy thing does...but not the girls ditching THEM. Oh well...no one is perfect.

All in all, it was a damn good video. I loved it!! Although Justin is now the albino instead of Lance, they all looked good to an extent. My personal favorites were Lance and JC. Jc just because he looked HOTTTTT, and Lance because his eyes looked amazing in the video. More later when I stop laughing...I promise!

Just Thrust Me